Here’s How You Can Win a Huge Contract from Big Oil companies In Uganda-Tanzania Oil Pipeline Project

You read the title right.

I am not talking about winning small contracts such as offering catering services, security services, or feeding pipeline workers in the site camp.

I will explain how to win huge jobs that have bigger rewards and will make you grow bigger. Sometimes overnight.

These include engineering construction jobs, welding and fabrication services, and the likes.

The simple truth is that winning big contracts in the oil and gas industry needs previous experiences of similar projects. Most importantly, it needs huge financial capacity. Sadly, many local service providers do not have these important requirements.

Let me ask you:

If Total E&P Company awards you a contract to provide construction services, do you have references that show experience in construction services in the pipeline project? How are you going to raise working capital when there is no mobilization money? Where will you find money to hire or purchase equipment and even pay engineers, technicians, and all employees who will help you execute the project?

If you think Tanzanian banks will borrow you money, do you know how to approach the local bank to finance your work? How long do local banks take to offer you a loan?

Remember: clients need quality services on time.

But what if I told you there’s a way you can win a major contract in this Uganda-Tanzania pipeline project? No matter how small your business is. No matter how little the experience you have in executing such project in the oil and gas sector.

What if I told you that you can win a contract in the pipeline project even if you have a limited finance?

The Best (The Easiest Way) For Local Oil and Gas Service Providers to Win Major Contracts in This Project)

To be completely transparent with you, there are strong local content policies that require these investors to give top considerations in the procurement of services and equipment to local businesses. But, Total will not hire your business if you don’t meet their qualification.

The CNOOC will never risk awarding you a contract when you don’t have any experience to be taken as references in those major contracts. Local contents work for those who meet reputable companies that meet required qualification.

Read:     7 Opportunities in the Uganda-Tanzania Pipeline Project and How to Participate

And the reasons they are doing that is because, the oil and gas business is highly risky. International oil companies risk a lot to work with these small companies. So, they are eager to hire companies that meet the desired qualification.

But, for the local services providers to win major contracts in the East Africa oil pipeline, they should partner with international companies or experienced contractors that have experiences in similar projects.

Once you sign a partnership agreement, start bidding for the projects. That way, clients will be confident to award you a contract.

I am not saying this to make you feel that doing business and getting a contract in the oil and gas sector is extremely difficult.

Getting a contract in this industry is easy if you know how it works, and how oil and gas services providers raise money for their supplies and contracts.

If your goal is to become a service provider in Tanzania oil and gas sector and to reap a substantial reward in the oil and gas sector, I strongly recommend that you read the eBook How to Recognize Potential Business Opportunities in the Oil and Gas Sector in Tanzania.

You can find the rest of our eBooks here.

[eBook] Discounts: The Complete Guide to Starting a Petrol Station Business in Tanzania

Drumroll, please.

Because this is yet another brutally honest jab.

Recently, I heard someone, who wanted to register for an agric program that will fetch him millions per year, say, “I thought I’m going to make millions. Remove the registration fee from it.”

You laughed, right?

Please, don’t. You may be laughing at your mirrored self.

Let’s examine the following:

  • A petrol station located in a highbrow area of the city with lots of traffic could sell more than 30,000 liters in a day. At least, assuming two-third of customers decides to keep malice with you, you’ll still 10,000 liters.
  • Multiply 10,000 liters by the current price per liter.
  • Then multiply it by 30 days.

Read also: Here’s a Petrol Station Business Plan In Tanzania

That’s the estimated amount you’ll be making per month if you start a petrol station. Aside that, other income streams like car washing, car repair, shopping mall, etc. will also fetch you money.

When you calculate that altogether, it’s obvious that you’ll be dealing with a huge amount of money.

Now, considering your starting budget, too – millions of Tanzanian Shillings – you’ll also be dealing with a huge amount of money.

Contractors, architects, bricklayers, carpenters, etc. don’t charge cheap amounts for building a petrol station – you’ll also be dealing with a huge amount of money here.

But why do you think you can pull off paying less for the right information on which the whole scenario hinges?

Lately on Tanzania Petroleum, we launched a book titled, How to Start and Run a Profitable Petrol Station Business in Tanzania.

A lot of people have indicated interest. A lot people have also ordered their copy. But it still remains a group of people who, for one reason or the other, decided it’s not the best time to take the offer.

Most especially, a high percentage of that group made that decision because they think a petrol-station business guide is quite expensive at TZS 50,000.

If you’re one of them, can I tell you the plain truth?

You’re going to shoot yourself in the foot on stuff requiring money. If you continue with that mindset, you’ll buy inferior but cheap goods and pay your workers miserly.

In a year or two, sabotage will chip in. Theft will introduce itself. And in a year or two, you could be closing shop.

I know some people are not financially able to order for their copy now at that price, but they are going to use the information wisely.

So, because of people in that category and the fact that Tanzania Petroleum sets to achieve its vision by providing information to its audience, The Tanzania Petroleum Team has decided to offer a discount on the book.

There’s a catch, though. We’re not morons. Even if we pawn Tanzania Petroleum to the lowest bidder, everybody will clap and call the CEO a good man.

We’re offering you the following discount for a limited time:

  • TZS 30,000 for two days. That is, from the 29th of July, 2 PM to the 31st of July 2 PM.
  • TZS 35,000 for two days. That is, from the 31st of July, 2 PM to the 2nd of August, 2 PM.
  • TZS 40,000 for two days. That is, from the 2nd of August, 2 PM to the 4th of August, 2 PM.
  • TZS 45,000 for a day. That is, from the 2nd of August, 2 PM to the 3rd of August, 2 PM.

The above discounts are strictly time conscious. All time are in GMT+1 timezone.

Please, note the time before making payment because the time you pay depends on the discount you’ll be eligible for.

So, hurry while stock lasts.

To buy the book, make the appropriate payment Tgo pesa, M-pesa to any of these numbers:

  1. +255689955711
  2. +255655376543
  3. +255653702878

Once your payment is done, send an SMS to +255689955711 or +255655376543 with the following details:

  • Your full name.
  • Your email address.

Alternatively, send an email with the above details to The moment we receive your email or SMS, and we confirm your payment, the eBook will be delivered to your email address (in PDF format) within ten minutes.

You can then download it and read it on your Smartphone or computer.

If you’re not in Tanzania, send an email to and we will devise a payment option for you.

[eBook] The Complete Guide to Starting a Petrol Station in Tanzania

Can I be painfully honest with you?

No, not thank-God-he-told-me kind of honesty, where someone points out a gutter in front of you in the middle of the night.

It’s brutal, bitter, and downright ugly.

Have you noticed? In your city, boutiques are empty, restaurants are closing up, and even the streets are getting emptier by the day.

Yet, economic activities are still going on.

But what you will also notice, if you look hard and well, is that some businesses are also starting up.

To be specific, petrol stations line every street corner. More people are consuming more fuel.

Consider this:

  • People are buying more cars. Look at all the cars on the highway—thousands of them—they buy fuel from petrol stations.
  • There is still a power-failure problem in the country, so, people depend on generators—both diesel and petrol powered. They have to buy fuel from petrol stations.
  • Aside that, we’re no longer in the Stone Age where people cook with logs of wood. Now, they simply buy kerosene from a petrol station for their cooking. Those who don’t use kerosene use cooking gas, which they buy from petrol stations.

Read also:  Here’s a Petrol Station Business Plan In Tanzania

There’s an available market to sell to in all the above. Besides selling petrol, diesel, kerosene, cooking gas, and engine oil, those petrol stations:

  • Offer car washing services.
  • Offer car repair services.
  • Have a restaurant and, in some cases, a bar.
  • Have a shopping mall.
  • Even rent out vacant offices to companies like DSTV, telecommunication companies, etc.

So, you see, economic activities may have lessened in your city, but it seems some economic activities are increasing by the day. This is a huge business opportunity, if you’re passionate about starting a filling station.

It involves:

  • A tangible investment and a tangible return.
  • Low risk: The petrol station business is not like the forex market where your investment just liquidates. Or MMM where your mavros suddenly freeze. Even if you stop running your business, there are still scores of income streams you can tap into.
  • Selling to an already available market: You are not cajoling people to buy products they don’t intend to buy like multi-level marketers do. You’re serving people who can’t do without your products.
  • Opportunities to do complementary businesses: Businesses like car washing, car repair, restaurant, shopping mall, etc.

Read also: A complete Small Investor’s Guide on How to Set Up Mini Fuel Station With Two Pumps Anywhere in Tanzania’s Rural Areas With Only TZS 55 Million

This is your opportunity to start a filling station.

What if you could learn the requirements of starting a petrol station without wasting precious years? What if you could learn what it takes to run a filling station? What if you could do that without begging, bribing, or cajoling anybody? What if you could do that now?



In this book, you’ll learn:

  •        Three ways to start a filling station business in Tanzania, and the easiest among them.
  •         The steps and procedures to obtain licenses and permits to setup a petrol station.
  •          The list of certificates you need to run a petrol station.
  •          The cost of setting up a petrol station in Tanzania.
  •          The equipment and machines you need to have a complete filling station, their prices, and where you can buy them.
  • The factors determining the profit margin of petrol stations.
  • Three ways to become a dealer of oil companies in Tanzania.
  • How to setup a petrol station using the brand name of major oil companies in Tanzania such as Total, PUMA, etc.
  • The marketing strategies you should employ for your station.
  • How to control theft and avoid robbery in your station. (Ignore this and watch robbers flock in every now and then.)
  • The challenges associated with running a petrol station.

Download this guide for a token of TZS 50,000 now.

To buy the book, you can follow this link and order it on amazon (  Petrol Station Business Guide On Amazon ) or  make a payment of TZS 50,000 through Tgo pesa, M-pesa to any of these numbers

  1. +255768183677
  2. +255655376543

Once your payment is done, send an SMS to +255768183677or +255655376543 with the following details:

  • Your full name.
  • Your email address.

Alternatively, send an email with the above details to The moment we receive your email or SMS, and we confirm your payment, the eBook will be delivered to your email address (in PDF format) within ten minutes.

You can then download it and read it on your Smartphone or computer.

If you’re not in Tanzania,  you can buy the petrol station business guide on Amazon. Click the link to order your copy on Amazon  .Petrol Station guide on Amazon

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What kind of book will I receive?

The book will be in PDF format, delivered digitally via email. There are not physical copies of the book sold at this time.

2.What happens after payment?

Once a payment has been made, you will receive an  email, and a download link with which to obtain a copy of the PDF book.

Meet the Author

Hello, my name is Hussein Boffu, and I’m the author of How to Start and Run a Profitable Petrol Station Business in Tanzania. I’m also the founder of

I am an entrepreneur specializing in the oil-and-gas supply chain. For quite some time now, I’ve been consulting a lot of businesses, both local and international, regarding starting a business in Tanzania’s oil and gas sector.

I have been approaching and talking to executives, and have been selling goods and equipment to various oil-and-gas companies in Tanzania.

How You Can Profit From The 3 Greatest Oil and Gas Projects In Tanzania


It breaks my heart as I’m writing this article. That’s because a majority of Tanzanians do not benefit from immense opportunities in the oil and gas in Tanzania.

Tanzania has discovered 57.27 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This is the massive discoveries But still, majorities of Tanzanian population do not see the immense business opportunities in the sector so they can benefit from God given resources in their land.
Most of us just sitting back, watching the game and whining how is hard to participating into this sector.

The simple truth is that the oil and gas sector is the biggest making money industry. And there are multiple routes and possibilities that can lead you to earn significant income.

Most importantly, Even the government of Tanzania tells oil and gas companies to fully involve local people in provision of goods and services

3 Greatest Oil and Gas Projects In Tanzania and How You Can participate and be part of Tanzania’s oil and gas boom

1. Swala oil and gas (Tanzania) Plc has obtained environment impact assessment certificate to drill Kito-1 well in Tanzania, So they plan to drill this well in September.

2. Statoil Tanzania has invited companies to submit expression of interest for its oil and gas activities to be carried out in Tanzania in the following areas

Offshore crew change and SAR/ Medevac services
Offshore/ Onshore fuel supply
Offshore supply Base and Logistic services
Offshore drilling services

3. French based company, Total has invited companies to supply pipes for its Uganda- Tanzania oil pipeline.

These are huge opportunities for Tanzanians and local companies to benefit from the newfound gas wealth in your land.

“I don’t have prior experiences in such project.” ” I don’t have enough capital to go into such projects.” I hear you say.

But grabbing those opportunities has nothing to do with your money but need to understand opportunities emerging in this project.

Look to this example. Swala oil and gas (Tanzania) is drilling in September at Kilomebero

So where these employees of Swala oil and gas are going to sleep?
Who is going to feeding them————–That means you can make money feeding people in the camp

If you are telling me you don’t have enough experiences in providing welding and fabrication services or offering them with equipment like casing pipes. You still have a chance to make money in this sector.

Do you think Swala oil and gas (Tanzania)Plc will bring cabbages, tomatoes from Australia? Probably not. They have to buy it from the local market.

So you can still make money selling carrots and tomatoes or even any kind of vegetables in the camps

The same way with Statoil. They will never hire a company from Norway to wash their oily dirty overalls or boots. This is an opportunity for indigenous people like you to offering those services and goods and making good money.

If you are keen on providing those technical services and you have no requisite experience in such project you can simply engage in this project through going into partnership with an experienced firm that has executed the same project before.

Now listen up, because this is important. Those who made money in this booming industry are ordinary people like you. But they learn how to grab those opportunities in the oil and gas sector.
So if you are serious about turning these oil and gas opportunities into large profit, here is must – have oil and gas book for you. In this eBook, you will learn

1.How to start oil and gas supply and services business in Tanzania

2.How to become supplier or contractor in oil and gas in Tanzania

3.How to pursue potential business opportunities and get noticed by oil and gas companies in Tanzania

4.How To arrange presentation of your goods and services to the companies

5.How to become vendor (contractor or supplier with various oil and gas companies)

6.How to win contract and supply (Including preparing and submit acceptable bid)

7.How to raise money for your supply and contract

8.List of goods, tools, and equipment you can start to supply in oil and gas in Tanzania

9.Main area of business opportunities in oil and gas in Tanzania

10.Tips to survive in oil and gas in Tanzania

11.More interesting business opportunities in oil and gas sector in Tanzania
This is “must have” eBook for anyone looking to make money in the oil and gas sector in Tanzania.

Click here to grab your copy.  (

Amnex has Hired Baker Hughes Units For The Notrya 2 Gas Discovery In Tanzania


UK-listed independent Aminex has appointed an adviser to prepare a gas commercialisation study to assist with the development of the Ntorya field onshore southern Tanzania. Io Oil & Gas Consulting (IOGC), a joint venture between GE Baker Hughes and McDermott, will identify gas monetisation options available to Aminex, and its junior partner Solo Oil, including potential early development facilities to supply gas to the local market and to enable near-term revenue generation.

Aminex plc (LON:AEX) told investors it has hired io, a Baker Hughes unit, by commissioning a gas commercialisation study for the Ntorya gas discovery, in Tanzania, which was validated by the recent Ntorya-2 appraisal well.

It is anticipated that the study will identify the gas monetisation options available to the company, including an early production system which would allow Aminex to deliver gas to nearby customers.

Also Read:Attention Business Owners Entrepreneurs Seeking-opportunities-in-the-oil-and-gas in Tanzania

Longer term production is expected to serve the national natural gas pipeline.

The Ntorya-2 appraisal well, in March, successfully flowed gas at a stabilised rate of 17mln cubic feet per day, and it was suspended for future production. The discovery host some 466 billion cubic feet of gas, according to Aminexs estimates.

Also Read:  Visible-opportunities In-the-oil-and-gas-in Tanzania-in-the-middle of-weak-oil-prices

Aminex is, meanwhile, in the process of applying for a 25-year development licence for the Ntorya gas field project, and it says working with the Tanzanian authorities as it fast-tracks the project into production.

“Working with io, which is a joint venture between GE and McDermott lends further evidence to the importance of the Ruvuma basin to local Tanzanian markets.

The company continues to work directly with the Tanzanian government on the Ntorya development licence and is expecting to apply for this by early September.”

Aminex owns 75% of Ntorya, alongside AIM-quoted partner Solo Oil which owns the other 25%.

(c) 2017 Business and Financial Times – All Rights Reserved Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (, source Middle East & North African Newspapers

Amnex Is Now Profitable and Full Funded To Drill Notrya- 3 In Tanzania

Aminex plc (LON:AEX) has been receiving some encouragement following re-assessments of the recent Ntorya-2 appraisal well result.

Broker Shore Capital calculated that on a revised view of the Ruvuma project in Tanzania, which includes Ntorya, the shares are worth 6p/share against a 4p per share valuation previously.

It notes the shares have retreated from 7p since April but sees this as overdone.

Concerns over the flow rate at Ntorya 2 are explained by a cautious approach taken by Aminex says the broker, with the possibility of a well blow-out if preventative action had not been taken.

“Perhaps in contrast with some other views, we were therefore very encouraged by the outcome from Ntorya-2.”

The well has increased the size of the discovery and de-risked additional prospectivity at Ruvuma, it added.

Sanguine about Tanzania

Shore is also reasonably sanguine about the state of Tanzania, where a ban of gold concentrate exports has hit Acacia Mining and sentiment about the country hard on worries about its financial situation.

Aminex has a stake in the producing Kiliwani gas field in Tanzania and Shore understands that three months of invoices are currently outstanding.

Reduced gas pressure at Kiliwani has prompted Shore to lower its revenues estimates this year to US$9.4mln (US$11.4mln) with profits of US$3.15mln forecast.

Even so, Shore believes Aminex’s financial position is robust.

“Following last year’s equity fundraising exercise, which introduced strategic investor Zubair Corporation of Oman, we continue to see sufficient headroom for the Ntorya-3 appraisal well, due for spudding later this year.

“Aminex is now profitable and fully funded to drill Ntorya-3, the broker added.

Over the next few months its expects to see an update on basin modelling, Ntorya-3 drilling plans and the announcement of submission of the Ntorya field development plan.

Balance sheet strength a boon

In an interview with Proactive, Bhattacherjee also emphasis the company’s healthy financial position and said that being able to fund itself was a big step forward for the company.

“For us to be debt-free –establishes a new base from which to grow the business.”

Bhattacherjee also believes Tanzania’s unhappiness with the miners may be good for the oil and gas sector.

If the miners are required smelter resources in the country, ‘that will need a lot of gas’.

Read: Attention:Business-owners-entrepreneurs-seeking-opportunities in-the-oil-and-gas-in-Tanzania

Deep potential at Ruvuma

Being self-funded means it can consider the full potential of Ruvuma and how best to exploit it, which may mean going deeper.

And Ruvuma will be the key focus for the company going forward, he told Proactive.

“Ntorya-3 is ready to go but want to make sure, we maximise as many targets as we possibly can.”

“We are working is on a basin model and evaluation some of the deeper targets for liquids. So we are not only planning the next well but subsequent wells after that as well.

“The Cretaceous systems are big, but some of the deeper Triassic and Jurassic reservoirs are even bigger.”


SOURCE: Proactive Investors

Attention: Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Seeking Opportunities In The Oil and Gas In Tanzania

Attention: Business Owners  &  Entrepreneurs Seeking  Opportunities In The Oil and Gas In Tanzania

Dear entrepreneur friend.

I am writing to share some great news:

It is truly remarkable Tanzania has in a short period of time become the main focus of attention as a source of new global gas supply. Since 2010, Tanzania has witnessed further exploration and discoveries of significant quantities of natural gas both on and off-shore

As at the time of this writing, Tanzania has discovered 57.25 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. And according to the US Geological Survey, the country still has potential natural gas reserves up to 441 trillion cubic feet solely in the coastal region, so more gas discovery might be forthcoming.

Large amounts of foreign investments have been made in the Tanzanian Oil and Gas industry after its discovery. These investments have made Tanzania  next lucrative market in the international scenario

Collaboration of major oil players such as Shell,   Statoil Tanzania, Exxon Mobil and Ophir Energy plan to build Liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant that will export gas to Japan and Korea

Not to mention the construction of the Uganda-Tanzania pipeline will result in immense opportunities for serious entrepreneurs who know the reward of doing business in this sector.

But here’s a deal. The high road to benefit from these massive gas discovery is providing goods or services to the industry

The reason you must start your oil and gas supply or service business is that there are a lot of oil and gas companies in Tanzania, ranging from small to major oil and gas co-operations. And the good news is that each day these companies are in need of goods and services that individual company can provide and benefit from the significant natural gas discovery in Tanzania

Why You Keep Missing Opportunities in the Oil and Gas Sector in Tanzania

You keep missing these huge opportunities in the sector because information necessary to succeed in the oil and gas business has been left in the hand of a few people, which makes it difficult for interested individuals to participate in the industry.

Also, some groups of people make doing business in the sector look difficult and impossible.

But then, you will never notice how easy something is until you try them for yourself. Oil and gas business is like that.
All you need is to follow proven guidelines on how to get contracts to supply goods and services to oil and gas companies

The good news is that you are not late, you can join the league and reap substantial reward from the oil and gas in Tanzania, too

Now, permit me to ask.

Ever wonder  what kind of products and service you can sell to the oil and gas companies in Tanzania?

Want to know the best way to meet with an influencer and make a connection so as you sell your goods and service in the oil and gas companies?

Want to know to approach these oil and gas companies for contract and supplies?

How to start supply goods and services business to the oil and gas companies in Tanzania. How some people make money in the oil and gas industry in  Tanzania

If you answer No to the everything above, then listen.  All people who are making good money in the oil and gas sector are ordinary people like you. But they learn how to do business in this industry right way.
So you don’t need to learn things the hard way.  Because 90% of business started by people

with business knowledge and skill in such industry eventually, succeed.

That’s where I come In.
“How to Recognize and Pursue Potential Business Opportunities in the Oil and Gas Sector in Tanzania”

Your guide to learning things the easy way.  Recognizing and grabbing key opportunities in the oil and gas in Tanzania

In this eBook, you will discover the following

•    How to start oil and gas supply and service business in Tanzania. Everything about planning your business, market analysis, and financing your business.
•    How to become a contractor or supplier, including licenses and permit you to need to get started with oil and gas supply and services business.
•    A roadmap on how to recognize potential business opportunities and how to be noticed and considered by oil and gas firms.
•    How to present your goods and services to oil and gas companies.
•    How to become a supplier or contractors with various oil and gas companies in Tanzania.
•    How to get deals and win contracts. You will learn how to prepare and submit an acceptable bid or proposal.
•    How to raise money for your supply or contract.
•    A list of goods you can start to supply to oil and gas companies.
•    The main area of business opportunities in the oil and gas sector in Tanzania.
•    The tips to survive in Tanzania’s oil and gas sector.
•    More interesting businesses opportunities In Tanzania’s oil and gas sector.

                                                           Who Should Read This Book
This book is designed to help
Established businesses that are already dealing with oil and gas sector but want to upgrade their knowledge.

It is designed to help individuals who plan to start oil and gas supply and service business in Tanzania’s oil and gas sector but have no clue where or how to get started.

Here’s how to get this    exclusive and Must-have oil and gas book

The book price is TZS  30,000

Just make payment  through Tigo Pesa, M-pesa to any of these numbers:
1. +255689955711
2. +255655376543
3.+ 255653702878
Once you make payment, send me email at or take your phone and send me SMS to any of these numbers: +255689955711, +255655376543
Including  Your Full name————
Email address————
The moment we receive your SMS and Confirm your payment, the eBook will be delivered to your email inbox  (in PDF format) within 10 minutes
All these eBook in PDF format and downloadable from your email inbox You can read it from your smart phone/computer/tab/pad.

Where in the earth you will get oil and gas book at this price of TZS 30,000.  The reason I set up this cheap price is that. I want this book to help more and more people. So as they would be able to turn oil and gas resources in Tanzania into the large profit margin.

To get the complete package of the oil and gas book on  “How To Recognize and Pursue Potential Business Opportunities In the oil and gas In Tanzania”

Hurry and make your order now. Send  SMS the following number  +255655376543 or +255689955711

Order your copy of  “ How To Recognize Potential Business Opportunities In the Oil and Gas In Tanzania”

And you will get easy to read,  eye-opening and interesting  book in PDF format

There is A Money In East Africa’s Oil and Gas———- And Eyes On Pipeline

If you are service provider or supplier, you can still find opportunities, despite the low oil price in the industry.

To stand out in the current situation. Look for business opportunities outside the region you normally focus on. And  East Africa provides the most opportunities right now.

Tanzania has approximately 57 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Mozambique has about 100 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

Not to mention Uganda has huge discoveries of crude oil. But due to poor infrastructures, they can’t transport these resources within the countries. If you are pipeline companies.

There are huge opportunities in East Africa just waiting for you.

A  key  area  of opportunities in East Africa’s oil and gas is a Uganda-Tanzania export oil pipeline
The three-party consortium of Tullow, CNOOC and TOTAL have already released tenders in the excess of a trillion shillings.

To survive In the recent oil price downturn, you should be able to see where opportunities lie and take advantage of it.

To be totally honest with you there is no time for talk anymore local and international service providers have to start to act.

The bottom line is , here is “ Must have” eBook that help suppliers and service providers to understand how to tap into opportunities in the oil and gas sector in Tanzania.
See a link here to garb yourself a copy (

Visible Opportunities In The Oil and Gas In Tanzania In The Middle Of Weak Oil Prices


If you’re provider of equipment or services to the oil and gas sector. And you’re  unsatisfied with your current sales results. Don’t worry. I believe that is what happening. Not just to you, but to millions of oil and gas entrepreneurs across the globe

We are in the period, companies do not spend money. And this is because of the drop in oil price from  $ 100  In June  2014 to below $ 30. And now has  recovered slightly  to  $ 50

Fortunately, Low oil price is wonderful  In Tanzania and East Africa as a whole.   Why drop in oil price is a good? I hear you ask. Well,  It helps us think an alternative way of doing things and that’s fuel efficiency and innovation.

Most importantly.  Everyone can see visible opportunities in Tanzania during this period of low oil price.

Still confusing?

Here are visible opportunities for the serious entrepreneurs seeking  to add value to the gas industry in Tanzania in the current environment of weak crude oil prices

1.Uganda—Tanzania pipeline

The construction of a pipeline that will export  Ugandan crude oil to Tanga port is starting soon.
Even the  major oil companies financing pipeline project has already invited contractors and in provision of the following services:

  •  Earthwork and site clearance
  • Building  construction work
  • Construction and Maintenance of Road
  • Construction and maintenance of drainage system

Installation, repair, and maintenance of electrical and mechanical system and extensions

 Who are the Major players of this projects
Now if you are considering the grab the visible opportunities in the pipeline project. Here are the companies to approach:

  • Tullow Oil—–    Uk based Oil
  • CNOOC LTD——Chinese state-owned  oil company
  • Total Exploration and Production Uganda——— This is subsidiary company of Total SA (French oil giant)

Is your business offer service or equipment in the midstream (pipeline) section of the industry? Now open your eyes, you will see visible opportunities in this East Africa oil pipeline

A lot of opportunities  from low oil prices are emerging in the LNG plant  investment  shifts to liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant
As the country plan to construct a liquefied natural gas (LNG)plant that will export gas from its offshore reserves to the Asian market.

If you think this project will be put on hold because of the unstable oil price. You’re totally wrong. There is a lot of reasons why, But the biggest reasons why  Tanzania  LNG plant will come online faster, is the desire to beat Mozambique.

So as they can soon enter a long-term contract with buyers in Japan and Australia.
Another reason the LNG project will rush in Tanzania is the high raising demand of gas in the Asian market.
International energy agency forecast LNG make up half of the gas world trade in 2040.

Major players in Tanzania LNG plant.
We have already seen, why opportunities in the LNG construction are immense in Tanzania despite the cheap oil price. Now let list the major players in this projects. That helps you think on how to approach them for opportunities:

  • BG group    {Recently acquired by Royal Dutch Shell}
  •   Statoil Tanzania
  •  Exxon Mobil
  • Ophir Energy.

And all these firms work in  partnership with state-owned  Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation

Huge helium gas found in Tanzania    
That was headlines that break news all over the world that’s also present other visible opportunities in Tanzania.

Look,  Norway exploration company in collaboration with Uk researchers has found 54 trillion cubic feet of helium gas in rift valley Tanzania.

Yes, you read it right. The helium gas find is about 54 trillion cubic feet. This is the big number. I can confidently tell you this is the “world class” discovery.
Helium gas is used in

  • MRI scanners
  • Nuclear research
  • Leak detection
  • Rock engine

It has been said that this 54 cubic feet of helium gas find in Tanzania is enough to fill 1200,000 hospital  MRT scanner. So this is the significant find that reflects immense business opportunities.

Now here is a thing.
The only way, that you can grow beyond and above where you are is to expand. And East Africa including Tanzania provides the most opportunities right now.

Would you love to recognize and grab key business in the oil and gas in Tanzania? Here is my eBook that will help you to turn the oil and gas opportunities into large profit,
See the link here and get your copy.   (


Revealed: Here Is Why Some Entrepreneurs Succeed And Make Huge Income In Oil and Gas In Tanzania

How to Recognize and Pursue Potential Business Opportunities in the Oil and Gas Sector in Tanzania (2)


Before we dive into reasons why some entrepreneurs make huge Income in the Oil and gas Tanzania. Let me show you  what other people says about  the Man behind this Website.


“I have had the pleasure of working with Hussein Boffu for a while now with numerous oil and gas companies in Tanzania. He is very responsive  and  a go-getter with  attention to details and ultimately keeping the customer happy. Hussein will keep in touch with you  from the moment you start working with him to when the project is completed and BEYOND”  –  Imran Pishori, Vice President  of  Quicksource Inc In  United States


“I have found  Hussein to be a veritable fount of information with a vast and useful network of senior contacts when  I first sought information about the Tanzania’s oil and gas industry. Also, Hussein has a newsletter and website that is arguably one of the international community’s first stops when considering investment into Tanzania.”– Daniel R. Butler, Consultant  and Owner at MelbourneSRO in the Czech Republic



“It was pretty hard entering Tanzania’s oil and gas market. Thankfully, working in partnership with Hussein. Purchasing orders from oil and gas companies in Tanzania are coming in.” Jackson Obi, General Manager of Jack-Pull Oil and Gas Nigeria Limited.


“I was amazed when I first found his informative article on the internet. My reaction? Wow. It was the absolute best anyone could offer the petroleum industry. So I emailed him for a face-to-face interview. And we met. Seriously, I have a strongly feeling about him. Hussein Boffu tends to enlighten people who are passionate about doing business in the oil and gas sector in Tanzania.” –Mussa J. Mlindwa, Commercial Assistant, American Embassy, Tanzania.

Now let reveal the secrets.


We all know the high road to making good money in the oil and gas industry is starting, building your own oil and gas business. And selling products or services to the Industry. Nothing more those facts.
But this is not as easy as it sounds.

Ever wondered how people are making a significant income in the oil and gas sector. Ever wondered why these people succeed in this industry?
The answer is simple: Because they know what to do.
They know how to raise money, they know how to sell and market to the oil and gas industry, they know to negotiate with their suppliers, they know how to write and prepare acceptable prices and bids they know how to set up sales meeting with anybody and sell their products and services even to big oil and gas companies

Now permit me to ask?

Is your business offering product or services in oil and gas? Have you ever wondered to expand your business grab key opportunities in Tanzania in the oil and gas sector? Are you thinking about start a business that supply goods and services into oil and gas industries but no idea how to get started

Have you ever wondered what the oil and gas companies in Tanzania buy, how they buy and when they buy it?

If an answer to the everything above is no, the listen, because here’s a deal.

. You can learn the simple, step-by-step formula that top oil and gas supply and business entrepreneurs use every time to raise money, approaching oil and gas companies

To generate six figure income to in oil and gas business. And save you a lot of time of trial and error.

Now here’s deal.
I have put together an entire eBook, titled “ How To Recognize and Pursue Potential Business Opportunities In The Oil and Gas In Tanzania”
is the complete guide that will help business owners or entrepreneurs establish in the Tanzanian oil and gas sector and reaping a significant profit.

And it’s going to turn your world in a way you hardly imagine.

Who Should Read This eBook

This book is designed to help

  • Established businesses that are already dealing with oil and gas sector but want to expand their business operation to the oil and gas sector in Tanzania.
  • Also, it is designed to help individuals who plan to start oil and gas supply and service business in Tanzania’s oil and gas sector but have no clue where or how to get started.

Here’s what  discover in this eBook
• How to start oil and gas supply and service business in Tanzania. Everything about planning your business, market analysis, and financing your business.
• How to become a contractor or supplier, including licenses and permit you to need to get started with oil and gas supply and services business.
• A roadmap on how to recognize potential business opportunities and how to be noticed and considered by oil and gas firms.
• How to present your goods and services to oil and gas companies.

• How to become a supplier or contractors with various oil and gas companies in Tanzania. (How to register as supplier or contractor with various oil and gas companies in Tanzania)
• How to get deals and win contracts. You will learn how to prepare and submit an acceptable bid or proposal.
• How to raise money for your supply or contract.
• A list of goods you can start to supply to oil and gas companies.
• The main area of business opportunities in the oil and gas sector in Tanzania.
• The tips to survive in Tanzania’s oil and gas sector.
• More interesting businesses opportunities In Tanzania’s oil and gas sector.
• List of oil and gas companies that are searching for oil and natural gas in Tanzania.

Here’s how to get this exclusive and Must-have oil and gas book

The book price is TZS 30,000

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Where in the earth you will get oil and gas book at this price of TZS 30,000. The reason I set up this cheap price is that. I want this book to help more and more people. So as they would be able to turn oil and gas resources in Tanzania into the large profit margin.

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