Here Is The Highest Potential Business Area In Tanzania

To be perfectly honest with you fuel sector is the highest potential business area in Tanzania. It offers immense  opportunities right now and has massive room for growth in Tanzania. If you still doubt, I am going to give you the proven reasons and actual data.
Let’s get started.


1.Economic growth. Tanzania continues to report as fastest  economic growth  in 2017 compared  with other  regions in Africa with economic growth rates at 7.1 percent. IMF ranks Tanzania as the only country in EAC with this economic growth
The economic growth trigger increase in motor vehicle ownership. And all of which need fuel and that fuel are diesel, petrol, lubricants which they buy from the petrol stations

2.Population growth. According to the world bank, Tanzania population of 53 million is estimated to grow at 3 percent per year. As population expand in the country the fuel needs such as petrol, diesel kerosene continue to climbs

3.Tanzanians are switching from the use of Charcoal and firewood
It is not like 100+ years ago when Tanzanians rely on firewood and charcoal for their cooking. Since cooking gas is environment-friendly, cook food faster, and best of all is very affordable. Today Most Tanzanians buy cooking gas from the petrol stations to heat food. And those who don’t buy cooking gas they just buy kerosene for their cooking. And all of which are available at the petrol, stations.

All these are signs indicate the future growth of fuel sector in Tanzania an example check of the  demand and Consumption data from the EWURA
Tanzania are the biggest consumers of the fuel, In 2015 a total of 5,163,565,035 liters of fuel (diesel petrol kerosene and jet fuel were imported into the country
In 2016, a total of 5,486,931,146 liters of fuel (kerosene, diesel, petrol and jet fuel ) were imported in the country, This is 6 percent increase compared to the volume imported in 2015.

With trends like this, The fuel continues to be the great business long into the future. The main drivers, being urbanization, population growth, economic growth, and increase of awareness to use clean energy in cooking such as cooking gas that is affordable and does not pollute households
Fuel sector is profitable and offers profitable business opportunities inn Tanzania right now and long into the future. I don’t say this to brag, but to impress upon you this opportunity is real opportunity.

                            How Do You Tap Business Opportunities In Fuel Sector In Tanzania?
Now that you know how is this sector profitable, let’s talk about starting a business in this sector. There is a different avenue to venture into fuel sector in Tanzania.

But the best route is to open your own fuel station in Tanzania. This is because, fuel station help you to sell various products, not only fuel but also beverages such as waters juice etc. This is crucial because it will double or even triple your income.

So what are the requirement to start fuel station in Tanzania? What if you learn i the legal requirement to start fuel station in Tanzania? What  the start up cost and break down for setting up fuel station in Tanzania ? If you want to learn how to start a fuel station in Tanzania without hassles and save your precious time, I have written a book that will help your start petrol station fast and easy any time you ready. Click the link to get the instruction on to get your copy  The Complete Guide To Start Petrol Station Business In Tanzania

New Opportunities In The East African Crude Oil Pipeline(EACOP)


This is a series of articles focusing on the proposed Uganda-Tanzania crude oil pipeline project. My intention is to provide you all the necessary information so we  help the public to effectively involve in this prestigious project.

In the previous articles, I explained about the  seven Opportunities  you can grab accross diffferent phase of the proposed Uganda-Tanzania crude Oil Pipeline


A lot of people commented on that post. And I  would like to express my sincere gratitude for those who took their precious time to leave their comment on the post.

So in today’s article, I will outline more opportunities that are in dire demand in the proposed East African Crude Oil pipeline project.
Let face them:

1.Pipes and Connection
2.Pipeline Equipment
3.Logistic and Transportation services
4.Pipeline Coating
5.Civil engineering Services
6.Pipe Inspection
7.Audit and Insurance Services
8.IT and Telecommunication services
9.Medical Services
10.Food and accommodation services

11. Training

12. Human resources services

If your business offers some of the services and product mentioned in the list, then you have opportunities to work with East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)

And if you wondering how to get involved In The East African Crude Oil pipeline project. I have written the entire articles that will give you steps by steps instruction on how to participate in the project. Click the link to read the article.How To Participate In Uganda-Tanzania Crude Oil Pipeline Project


I hope this help. If you have question or suggestion, please reach out to me via I read all the email.

Top Five List Of Million Dollar Business Opportunities You Can Start In Oil Sector In Tanzania and Get High Return


Are you are businessman looking for ways to invest your money and get high rates return.

If you answer yes to either question, then, why not make money in the oil sector in Tanzania?

The reason you must put your money in the oil business is that oil is fast selling product in Tanzania.

And from the entrepreneurship perspective, a product that sells can make you a more profit.

With the high demand for oil in Tanzania and a little bit of professional knowledge about the oil industry, you can be on your way to profitable oil business In Tanzania.

So, I have gathered a list of FIVE lucrative oil business ideas that can make you a good return from a reasonable time of set up.

But before I explain to you these making money opportunities. Let discuss the two limiting beliefs around oil business, preventing thousands of people from grabbing these opportunities.

The Two Shocking Truth Why Many People  are not making money in oil sector

It doesn’t take rocket science to know that,  oil business has made individual WEALTHY and brought huge profit to companies.

But many  people have limiting beliefs that sabotage from making money in  oil business. Here are non supportive beliefs around oil business preventing people from participating in the oil business.

  1. Oil is very risky business: Many people are misguided, they think oil business is a very risky business.

Recently a guy emailed me, claimed about the high risks associated with the oil business.

I totally agreed with his input, but you should be aware that all life is risky, starting a new business is risky, choosing a spouse is a risk, working for someone else is risky.

But avoiding  any risk situations perhaps is a major risk in a life.
So instead of sitting back and whining the risk associated with entering an oil business.

You can minimize those risks by conducting a proper research on any business you want to venture into.

So ask a lot of questions before you join any new business. This will boost your chance of success.

2. Oil Business is  for bigwigs only
Regardless of the high return  oil business generates.

Most people don’t go into this business because they have non-supportive beliefs like oil business is only for Arab and Asian Tanzanians, oil business is only for big boys with huge financial muscle

But the good news is that oil business is for everyone.

And you don’t need your own money to start oil business, but you need to have great oil and gas business idea articulate it on a paper and persuade investors or money entities to invest in your idea.

Read      :Main Areas Of Investment In Upstream Tanzania Oil and Gas

Or you can mobilize your friends and go into partnership. Most oil men started a business with limited money.
This limiting belief In our mind holds us back from achieving great wealth in our life.

Now. we have seen, the limiting beliefs. So here are top five oil business in Tanzania
1:Start a petrol station: This is a worthwhile investment in Tanzania that ensures a solid return. But it’s capital intensive. Look, there is a thousands of car on the road and all of which need fuel

For a petrol station, you need start-up capital ranging from 450millions to 500millions. The profit margin for this business is mouth-watering. A profit is range Tzsh 100 to Tzs 210 per liter. If you sell 5,000 liters a day, you’ll be making a profit of Tzs210×5000liters= 1,050,000.

And that is the lowest profit you can make after all expenses. But if you will be sourcing oil from a wonderful major supplier who sells products at a reasonable price you’ll earn beyond. If you are keen to go in this business and you don’t have 450 to 500 million starts up.

You can start small by open a mini petrol station business with two pumps.

If you need to learn the requirement and detailed information on set up a profitable petrol station business, get your copy of my  (eBook) The Complete Guide To Starting A Petrol Station In Tanzania


Read Also : Seven Opportunities in the Uganda-Tanzania Pipeline Project and How to Participate


2:Start oil and fuel transportation business. This Another great way to make money in the oil sector. Your job is to get trucks and transport petroleum products such as diesel, petrol kerosene within Tanzania and beyond.

The funny thing about this business is that you don’t need to store or market products. You get products from the oil depots in Kurasini, You supply to customers cash your money and smile to the bank. You will charge your clients based on destination per liter.

In other words, you will make good money if you got a job to transport oil in Rwanda, Congo than someone who will transport oil in Mtwara.

The risk associated with this business is truck fall, that can be resolved by hiring an honest driver who put safety first in his driving.
Another great challenge is fire outbreak.

The truck might catch fire because petroleum products such as petrol diesel are highly flammable in nature. But get your truck registered with reputable insurance company

4.Launch lubrication oil: The market for this business is huge as the vehicle owners and factories are seriously interested in it. To help their equipment and operation run smoothly. The demand for lubricants, engine oil and base oil continue to climb at alarming rates as  economies and population and emergence of wealthier middle class  expand in Tanzania. According to world bank

5:Fuel importation : People are making millions of dollars annually in this business.

You can come in, And make huge cash. To make out ahead, you should have tank farm to store fuel products.

Importation of fuel is a lucrative business in Tanzania. However, a solid infrastructure, fuel depot and permit and licenses from Ewura are necessary.

Since Tanzania use bulk procurement system to import all petroleum products (Diesel, kerosene, Petrol Jet oil) so, you must be a member of Petroleum Importation Coordinator (PIC), which is the company responsible for coordinating petroleum products in the country.

Also, they prepare periodic petroleum tender to get the winner of the tender.So you will bid for the importation of oil.And the lowest bidder will be given a contract to import petroleum products.

Once you got a job to import fuel, you store in tank farm and sale to wholesalers. Petrol stations owners, a large truck will be your potential customers.

Over To You.
Among the listed opportunities mentioned above, pick one business idea you passionate about. And do your research. Gather a lot of information about it. Ask guidance from people who are already in the business you want to  venture into. Read a lot of books and reports regarding such investment before you make investment commitment.

Warning: Never fall into a group of people who takes a lot of time to research about a particular business idea. No matter how good is your research, the only way to learn about the business is being in that business.Thankfully, we can learn from our mistakes and success.

If you have a question or suggestion, reach out to me via. Whats App only +255655376543 or email me at I read all the emails.


A Quick Spotlight On The Upstream Oil and gas Activity In Tanzania


The oil and gas sector is huge. As any other industry has its own value chain

Oil and gas value chain is the series of events from where oil and gas are founds until they  delivered to end users.

The value chain in the oil and gas divided into three parts include upstream, midstream and upstream.

The intention is to explain the entire value chain in Tanzania oil and gas sector.
But in today’s article, I will only talk about upstream,
characteristics of the upstream business, players in the upstream business in Tanzania, and local opportunities in the upstream part in Tanzania


Table of content
1.What is an Upstream?
2.Main activities in Upstream part of oil and gas value chain
3.Characteristics of the upstream part of the industry
4.Local opportunities in the upstream part of Tanzania
5.Players and Participants In the upstream business in Tanzania


what is an upstream?
This is the beginning of the oil and gas value chain, It involves findings and extraction of the oil and gas resources out of the ground
Main Activities in Upstream

Now you know the meaning of the upstream, now let’s talk about the activities in the midstream

The activities of the upstream part of the oil and gas value chain are:

1. Identify “
The first activity in the upstream is searching for the areas that oil and gas resources might be. To find the oil and gas resources you must get government approval.

Since in Tanzania the land is owned by the government so you should reach out to the government to get the legal right to find or extract oil and gas resources in Tanzania

In the identified stage is where a team of talented engineers, IT specialist, geologists, and petroleum geoscientists work together to identify an area where oil and gas are.

They use a very sophisticated technology and tools to study the structure of the earth deep below the surface level.

Once they have identified possible areas oil and gas resources might be, we dig a hole (well) so to become confident on how successful will find oil or gas in particular area.

Is at this stage we drilling an exploration well to confirm if there are sufficient oil and gas resources in the area. In this stage,
risk assessment, safety, and environmental concern become very crucial. Also, they begin to bring manpower and equipment to the field.

Drilling can be done whether by drilling contractor or service companies.
For example, recently Statoil, Tanzania announce to drill its offshore well in the first quarter of 2018. So Statoil won’t drill the well on its own. Instead, they hired a drilling contractor to help them with the drilling services of the well.

Once we have identified oil resources, drilled an exploratory well, and are confident to find sufficient oil and gas resources in an area, we start producing crude oil and gas out of the well, bringing it to the surface.

Here‟s where revenue generation begins and where there is a potential for suppliers and contractors to thrive. There are many supplier opportunities in the production activity.
           Characteristics of the upstream part of the oil and gas

1.Highly regulated
The nature of the upstream segment is highly regulated. For example. If you need to search or extract for the oil and gas resource in Tanzania, you have to get the legal right from the government of Tanzania.

The government that regulates and monitor upstream segment of the oil and gas in Tanzania is named Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA).

PURA formed under new petroleum Act, 2015. So if you need to lease land for finding oil and gas resources in Tanzania, PURA is an authority that can grant, process, renew or cancel license to explore, develop or produce oil and gas resources in Tanzania

Read also :Tanzania Oil and Gas Upstream Sector Activity Outlook 2017-2018 Synopsis

2.Highly and Financial and Physical Risk

The upstream segment is associated with high financial risk and physicals of risk. This is because the company put millions of dollar into exploration project and getting years to start producing oil and gas where is stage actually start to see Return on Investment.

Once you lease land and start searching for the oil and gas resources if you strike you will have profit up to 10 times for what you invested.

That is a reason investors who put money In this business are multi-millionaire. But if you don’t strike oil you lose everything. This business has high risk. But it is suitable for companies having high-risk tolerance.

3.Affected by Global Market
The upstream oil and gas resources is affected by oil price at the international market.
When the oil prices are high, the oil and gas activities increases, but when the prices drop companies slow down their activities in searching and extracting oil and gas resources.

Local Opportunities In The Upstream part Of Oil and Gas Value Chain

At exploration stage: Opportunities for local service providers and workforce in this activity are a limited and short-term. This is because during searching for the oil and gas resources advanced technology and sophistic tool and equipment are used. Opportunities in this activities require high expertise So safety and experience are critical at this stage.
Since the oil and gas in Tanzania are just started, I don’t expect to see local companies that have competence and capability to provide seismic services. Although local supplier can make money in this stage by providing supportive services such as catering, supply of uniforms and safety equipment and other oil and gas tools

At production stages: This is a stage where there is a potential for suppliers and service providers and local workforce.

There are unlimited business opportunities, many services and goods are needed at this stage. In production, activity is where local services providers and manpower can reap substantial reward in the oil and gas sector

Participants In Upstream In Oil and Gas Value Chain In Tanzania

The oil and gas might be complex because it involves a lot of players and stakeholders. So in this section, you will be aware of players in Tanzania oil and gas sector
Operators: These are companies that lease lands from the government to find and extract the oil and gas.
The table below highlight the list of operators in Tanzania.


1.Operators: These are companies that lease lands from the government to find and extract the oil and gas.

Follow the link operating companies in Tanzania oil and gas. (List of oil and gas operating companies in Tanzania)



2.Services companies: These are companies that do not search or produce oil and they also do not own gas or oil block but they have the technology and highly trained manpower to help operating companies in developing and producing natural gas and crude oil.Here list of service companies in Tanzania.

  • Schlumberger
  • Baker Hughes
  • Halliburton
  • Weatherford

3.Drilling contractor. These are companies that assist operator in the drilling of oil and gas wells,

  • Carol drilling Rig
  • Ocean Rig Poisedon



For All The Entrepreneurs Confused  About How Uganda- Tanzania Crude Oil Pipeline Actually Work

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) or Uganda-Tanzania crude oil pipeline project  creates immense opportunities for companies, individuals and Communities

But I have found the lack of  professional knowledge about how the oil pipeline business work might be the number one reason for people to miss out opportunities in the project

If you want to render service  or you want to participate  the proposed Uganda-Tanzania pipeline project, the first thing first you should be aware of the oil and gas value chain.

In this article you will learn the operating components of Uganda-Tanzania crude oil pipeline and who are the participants in the project.

Let’s get started:

The oil and gas is huge, the oil and gas industry value chain divided into three areas, include


Since we are talking about the pipeline, we will only touch the midstream segment of the industry, Upstream and downstream areas of the oil and gas will be the talk of another day

Read: How To Participate In The Propsed  Uganda-Tanzania Crude Oil Pipeline Project

Midstream is the portion of oil and gas business that involves transportation and storage of crude oil and natural gas from where they found them to where they will be refined and processed into products that can be sold.

Activities in this sector are aimed at moving natural gas or crude oil from the site where it was drawn to where it will be processed into various petroleum products. The mode of transportation involves:
2. trucks,
3. Marine vessels tankers, etc
4. Rail

Pipeline is regarded as efficient and safe mode to transport crude oil or natural gas.

So in this regard Uganda-Tanzania crude oil  pipeline is a midstream segment of the oil and gas value chain.
The crude oil produced from Uganda oil fields will be transported to Tanzania through pipeline.

Now, we have understood, that when we talk about the East African Crude Oil pipeline we talk about the midstream oil and gas value chain. Now let see its operating components.

Operating Components of East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project

1. Processing
When the Total E&P and its upstream partners produce oil from the Uganda Oil field, The small proportion of the crude oil will be refined in Uganda for the local consumption such as Electricity in Uganda.
And the most of the rest will be transported to the international market

2. Transportation
So that is where East Crude Oil pipeline come in to pump Crude Oil from production areas in Uganda to the consumers in the world market

3. Storage

Once the oil reaches to Tanga in Tanzania port will be stored in the storage facilities before shipped to the international market. Storage facilities for EACOP project include:
Marine storage terminals and jetty
Holding Storage Tanks

  Participants of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project
We have seen the operating components of the proposed crude oil project. Now here are the beneficiary of the Uganda-Tanzania crude Oil pipeline project

The players in the proposed pipeline business include:

pipeline construction companies, pipeline coating companies, civil and mechanical contractors, logistics and transportation companies, fuel companies, operators, bank and insurance companies, health centers and accommodation. IT and telecommunication companies

I hope this help if you find this information valuable, share with friends.

Hussein Boffu




How To Participate In Uganda-Tanzania Crude Oil Pipeline Project

The pipeline project that will pump crude oil from Uganda Oil wells to Tanga port in Tanzania is in everyone ‘s radar.This is because of the vast opportunities the project create across the different sector of the economy.

But how do you participate in the proposed pipeline? Perhaps this is the main question in a mind of everybody.

To be perfectly honest, when the multi-billion dollar project is  coming, the host government wants their citizen to benefit. But I have found the lack of professional knowledge on how the oil and gas really work might be the number one reasons for many Tanzanians and Ugandans to miss out.

Read::Seven Oppoertunities In Uganda-Tanzania Crude Oil Pipeline project.

The proposed pipeline will increase foreign direct investment by 60 percent in Uganda and Tanzania. Over 500,000 tonnes will be imported. The proposed will work with many suppliers and service providers. This  will increase the demand for local goods and services in Tanzania and Uganda.

The pipeline is a lifetime opportunity. You will hate yourself later if you miss out variety of opportunities available in the project

It hurts me to say East African people have left behind in the oil and gas sector because of lack of awareness our involvement in this industry is very minimal.

That’s what motivated me to craft this article to help public participate in the Pipeline Project.If you have missed out opportunities in the oil and gas when the industry was in the exploration phase, then you are not late. This is your right time to benefit from the pipeline

If the pipeline is interesting you, here are how to get involved.

Improve your competence and abilities in the project
This industry that values quality, so the pre-qualification that will get you to participate in the pipeline project is to ensure you have quality services and products that will be considered efficient in the pipeline project.

Whether you are providing construction services, transpiration, catering or you are  fuel supplier, improve your ability in the services you render, will boost your chance to get involved in the proposed pipeline.

The reasons the oil and gas projects such as drilling, pipeline construction put the quality as their top consideration is that oil and gas companies invest billions of dollar in the project. So they put a lot of risks to hire businesses don’t prove competence and capability in the service or goods they render

So what determines your participation in the pipeline project has nothing to do with who you are but your expertise and capabilities to execute the service you render.
Now, let discuss three ways To Participate In Uganda-Tanzania Pipeline Project

1.As Host Community
Community group along the pipeline routes have a greater chance to participate and benefit from the project.

They can pull up resources, register company with BRELA and approach contractor and subcontractors for various jobs in the project based on their specialization.

They might start to ask for the supplies jobs in the project. Host communities along the pipeline routes have greater chance to secure contract in the proposed project because of the local content drives that require awards of contract to be top consideration to the indigenous people.

2. Through Partnership

If you have limited resources such as money and experience to go into the pipeline project you can involve in the project through partnership. Two or more business can join forces and scout for bid on the project.
For example, a mechanical contractor and construction contractor can join forces to bid for the construction of Bulk Terminals.

3. Individual
For individuals with an interest in the proposed pipeline project, look for the job available In the project and involve in a retail business such as restaurants, transportation, fuel etc.

Welders, pipe fitters are the most required skills in any oil and gas pipeline construction project. Also, there are casual labors such as help in the digging of the trench etc.

As you have seen, you can get involved in the Uganda-Tanzania Crude Oil pipeline project at any level. Your government wants you to make money in the proposed pipeline project. That  why in a new petroleum acct requires award of contract in the oil and gas activities in Tanzania.

                                    Hussein. Boffu


5 Realistic Ways How To Promote and Market Your Oil and Gas Event In East Africa And Get More People To Attend

It doesn’t take rocket science to know that the vast quantities of gas reserves in Tanzania and significant oil find in Uganda has made East Africa the subject of intensive interest.
No doubt organizing your own oil and gas event  can be attraction option in East Africa.
There are various of oil and gas events, So Whether you want to promote exhibition, conference or oil and gas training we all talk the same thing. All are oil and gas events.

But to create successful event that many people will attend, you need to employ marketing strategies that will attract more delegates, visitors or even sponsors.

Understanding how to market your oil and gas event is very critical because there is no point you spend your precious resources (time, energy and money), consequently few people show up or nobody attends

This article won’t only help you how to get people to come in your events but shows you how to get them return in another day when you reorganize the event.
This will help you sell many tickets, increase your brand awareness and reputation at the organization.

If you are event manger, event marker or generally and individual you have deep interest in organizing oil and gas event in East Africa, this guide will help you to get people to your event.  Now, let’s get started.

Identify your key audience

Once you have done a proper research and you are confident there is a potential market for your oil and gas event, the next step is to figure out who is your ideal customers? What are their needs and wants? And how to reach them?

For the  oil and gas conference we call them “delegates” and if you are organizing exhibition we call them “Visitors” but are simply customers

For example, I have found the reasons Tanzanians attend oil and gas conferences are need of information and contacts in the oil and gas sectors.

Also, the reason companies Human resources department in the oil and gas companies buy training for staff because they want to strengthen their team and minimize risks and loss at the organization.
Once you identify your ideal customers and their needs and wants the marketing is the easy part

Who Are The Customers For The Oil and Gas Events
I have found the audience of oil and gas events in East Africa are

  • People with high income, senior materials.
  • professional jobs such as engineers, accountants, lawyers etc
  • And in most cases with people who have higher education
  • Also, owners or employees who work with the oil and gas companies other
  • Owners and employees firms that can participate in oil and gas supply chain like construction firms, catering, insurances, health centers etc

We have seen, how to find your target customers for your oil and gas events and customer profile who always pay to  attend the oil and in East Africa. Now let start discuss the six effective way to promote your oil and gas event. Let meet them:


It involves the use of Radio, Television, and Newspaper to inform and persuade your target audience about the existence of your oil and gas event. This is an effective way to promote your oil and gas conference in Tanzania and East Africa because your message reaches to many stakeholders, But it’s very expensive because the TV and Radio will charge you high rates the airtime you purchase.


2.Word of Mouth
We also call this direct sale, this is when you meet with your target audience in person and inform them about your oil and gas event.

For example, your organizing oil and gas event and one of your key customer s are the construction organizations, so you kick-start visit organization firms and persuade them to attend your event.

This is an ideal marketing strategy for your oil and gas events but you need to have great sales team who will go door to door and speak with potential customers and persuade them to buy a ticket.

This will work well for the oil and gas events such as training. Let me give you an example, if you are organizing the oil and gas events, in this case, let say safety training.

And your target audience are the multinationals oil and gas companies operating in East Africa, so go out and visit the multinational offices and talk to them to attend the event

3.Email and e-newsletter Marketing
If you need to attract a large number of attendees at your oil and gas event, I strongly suggest you employ e-newsletter marketing method. The reason this marketing tool is so effective is that you bypass the third part and you message reach directly to your potential customers.

To employ this marketing strategy, event marketers must buy or build what we call the DATABASE. The database will include the email list of your target audience.

A lot of companies sell database. But finding companies that sell database made up of oil and gas professionals, businessmen and decision maker In the oil and gas can be a little bit frustrating.

Here at (Tanzania we can offer you a database with a list of more than 1700 individual consumers most of them are oil and gas professionals, decision makers and businessmen
Buying database can effective way to penetrate and attract more people in your oil and gas events in the East Africa.

4.Media Collaboration

This is when you cooperate with the third part to reach out your target customer. Media collaboration is one of ideal approach raising awareness for your oil and gas events.

You can collaborate with local magazines and newspaper can be the effective tools to promote your event in East Africa. Also there a lot of online magazines that accept media collaboration if there is a win-win situation in your collaboration

5.Sales Promotion
Another great marketing strategy for your oil and gas event in East Africa is offering a discount in specific period of time to your customers that expire after the specific time. After that time customers need to pay regular process.

This will motivate your target audience to react faster on your offer so they couldn’t miss the deadline.


I hope this help. If you find this informative, kindly share with friend or just leave your comment below.

Hussein Boffu



For All Entrepreneurs Confusing About The Benefits Social Media Can Bring In The Oil and Gas In East Africa

Social media has been lagged behind in the oil and gas. This is because companies don’t see the return on investment sooner as the business to consumer firms do.

I agree that for the companies sell to the individuals can attract many customers to the social media. Look at this example, car firms can sell more cars by simply posting the advert on the Facebook or twitter.

While you can’t get drilling contract on Facebook or you won’t sell more oil and gas equipment on Facebook or get the award the contract to offer catering services in the pipeline on Facebook. Also, sales in oil and gas is based on the relationship.That is why many oil and gas companies tend to not actively using social media.
But for the oil and gas companies to benefit from the smartphone age where clients, decision makers employees  and community in which you operate are on social media, they should not view the social media as the companies sell to individuals do. They should see it in different ways.

They should view social media as  allow them to educate,, help them to interact and connect with the host government, communities, employees, and stakeholders.

So if you wondering the benefits social media can bring in the oil and gas companies by actively using social media here are some of them.

1.Retain and attract  personnel

The oil and gas industry is now experiencing a substantial challenge, we call this “BIG CREW”. To clarify big crew is the lack of personnel and it happens when oil and gas companies hire a lot when the oil price is high and downsized when oil price is lower. Also, the lack of personnel the is the result of the retirement for many experienced oil and gas professionals. To resolve this problem companies should hire local engineers and attract the young workforce.

The simple truth is that large percentage of young professionals and engineers have accounts on the various social media platform. So engineers and your prospect employee already use social media why don’t you go where they are?

By setting up the LinkedIn group and Facebook of your companies and update about the new position it will help you attract highly qualified employee who will help build a profitable business.

2.Educate People
Since the oil and gas in East Africa is just started, so a lot of people have misconception about the oil and gas sector. Some of them they might discuss your companies on the social media.

So if you have Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter accounts you will give them positive feedback and respond them to a negative comment. Also, you will consult them about the safety and how your activities will not harm them.

Remember public are on social media and they talk about you on there. So social media can be the attractive option to get your message to people, so if use them wisely to reply their comments you will stand greater chance to have successful operation

Oil and gas professionals and stakeholders can come together to share their positive experience on social media.If your company have a Linked In group, oil and gas companies can use to discuss their work, exchange ideas and discuss o on new technology in your companies etc
Build Authority and Brand awareness.

If you use social media to share your press release, publishing statistics introduce new products or technology or announce the mega& acquisition, you will surely view as a leader in the industry. You will not be regarded as a Vendor or operators but you will start increasing your reputation

4. Oil and Gas Conference participation.

I learned the great lesson at the last oil and gas congress attended.One of the delegates went to the registration desk and asked for the Wi-Fi code. The best part is I sat next to him when the conference began.So I noticed he was on his smartphone when the speaker was talking. Social media can be a platform to engage audiences and speakers.

5 Crisis management.

If any possible hazards happens in the industry such oil spills, pipeline leakage, social media will play vital role in spreading out message
The oil and gas industry is difficult to adopt new technology but the social media is the cheaper and faster and cost effective to increase brand awareness, interact with stakeholders, manage public perception and inform them about any possible hazards and activities.

I would love to hear your from you, please leave your comment below and share your input.

Hussein Boffu



How To Get Potential Clients In Oil and Gas In Tanzania and East Africa Using Cold Emailing



The oil and gas is a word of mouth industry, to sell more goods and services In the industry you need to have face to face meeting with your client and tell them how you can help with your products and services. Because once you meet with your client in a person there is a greater chance will do business with you

And the best way to get client in oil and gas to speak to you is by booking appointments or sales meeting.
And the more appointment you make, the more client you see and the more goods and services you sell that increase your profit margin

The good news is that the ideal approach to reach out client and get more sales meeting is through email.
Whether you want to get client in the proposed Uganda-Tanzania oil pipeline project or any other oil and gas project, cold emailing can help you a lot

In this post, you will be learning how to get high paying client in Tanzania and East African oil and gas using cold emailing. You will learn how to find client email in the oil and gas without annoying anyone. You will also learn how to write effective cold email that will get you more appointments and more revenue in the oil and gas.
If you are wondering how? read on to find out

Use professional email address
Client don’t take seriously people who reach out to them using emails associated with “Gmail” ‘yahoo” “Hotmail “
. If you use unprofessional email like to reach out client in oil and gas. I guarantee your email going unread. Or even if they read, nobody will reply.
You should use professional email that linked to your company like
And the only way to have professional emails is by setting up company website because the end part of your email is the domain name that holds a company website.
For example, in this email “” is the domain name of the company website
So if you want to get the client in oil and gas in the East Africa, go and create a website. If not, you will lose significant businesses.

Find out the right person to email
You need to email a person who is able to make the decision to hire you. In each oil and gas companies, there is a person in charge of a particular department. For example, if you shot cold emailing to the human resources manager for the services you won’t get any response.

Perhaps he will ignore or delete your email instantly. To stand out, reach out to the right person at the company. Here are two approaches. The first approach is to email managing Directors, CEO and countries managers at oil companies
The second option is to reach out to a logistics manager and procurement manager.

But I have found the best approach send an email to CEOs and Managers. This approach has worked well for me. And here is how I do.
I emailed Manager or CEO at oil and gas company, so the manager will schedule a for meeting appointment. And when they replied to let me the date that is convenient to meet me at their premises, they copy some of his procurement staff. So I sensed I will meet not only the mangers but also with his procurement team.

How To Find Client Emails

The cold emailing is useless if you don’t have contact information for the people you want to email in the oil and gas company. Here are three ways to find client emails
1.Search on Google.
Google is a useful tool to get the email address of many executives in the oil and gas in Tanzania. You should try different phrase until you get the desired result. When I just entered the oil and gas business I had no contact in Tanzania oil and gas.

I wanted email address of the managers at the oil companies to set up appointment because If you go to the oil and gas companies without appointment, client won’t speak to you and most importantly you sound unprofessional because they can regard you as you are not time conscious

So I started to Google and I typed the different phrase and words until I found the link that had all email address and phone numbers for managers of international companies in Tanzania. Afterwards, I emailed all managers to ask for meeting appointment. Because I learned how to write effective cold email I got 7 sales meeting out of the 10 clients I pitched.

2.Leverage LinkedIn
LinkedIn has proven the best social network for professionals since its launch in 2002. Many decision-makers in oil and gas have LinkedIn accounts. So You can find email addresses of decision makers in oil and gas on LinkedIn. The first thing you need to do is to get information about the people in an organization. To achieve this, visit the company website you want to work with, go “Our Team” or a “Staff” page. And you will find names and position of the key personnel in the company. Then you cross-reference all names from website with LinkedIn

3.Use email hunter
This is the best App which to uncover email address of anybody. In order find the email address, you add the website of your prospect, so it searches and then you will track all email addresses available to the people in the company. So you can find an email address of the person you are interested in.
I used this approach and I found email s and phone numbers of all managers on the Google

How To Write Effective Cold emailing
Now, you have an email address, so now is the right time to send an email to your clients. But anybody can pitch clients. But only who write effective pitch will get the response. If you know to write an irresistible cold email that grabs client’s attention, and you write In a polite and persuasive way, you will get more responses and more appointments that will result to more leads and sales. Other ways your client will ignore or delete your email and losing business.
Here is how to write effective cold email:

1.Write Irresistible    headline

The headline is what make people to whether open your cold email. So a good headline will

Once you have written a headline, the next step is to personalize your cold email with prospect’s first name
Sending people email without personalizing reduces your reply rates. If you send email without addressing them by name, there is a greater chance client will trash your email. The research points out that 48 percent of decision makers do not reply when they receive emails that haven’t address them by their name

The simple truth is oil and gas manages are super busy. They receive tons of email every day and hundreds of phone calls. They have to deal with government officials and attend meetings.
Procurement managers in oil and gas also are busy, they have to send “Request for proposal to other service providers and suppliers, also they have to evaluate them to ensure they choose the right supplier for particular services. So personalize your email with your client’s first name shows you care and increase the response rates

But sending them to email simply saying “Hello” “ Dear sir” won’t give the desired result because it may be misconstrued as spam
For example, how do you feel when you receive emails. The first email, a sender starts with Dear (Your first name)
And the second email, the sender starts with Dear (Sir) without mention your name
I bet you will feel excited the one who has included your name in the mail. The same way when you shot the cold email to the client. The simple truth is that people love to hear their name. So when you approach client personalize will increase your response rates

3.Introduce Your Company

The first line of your email should aim to introduce your company. This help client to know who is dealing with. Also, introducing your business establish trust with client which is the key in making sales
Here is an example.” We are {Rock gas Tanzania Limited} a Tanzania based supply and procurement duly registered”

4. Purpose of the mail
The next stage is to answer a question “why you are emailing me”, you should be specific to explain what you reach out to client
Here is an example “ We are writing officially to apply for registration and do business with your company.
5.Establish reputation
You have to write anything that will increase credibility for the client. If you have entered a partnership with reputable experience firm in the oil and gas just state it. If you have already served other big oil and gas companies just sate it. If you have accomplished a big project even in the industries that is irrelevant with the oil and gas mention it in your email.
Here is an example “ Rock gas Limited has worked with various oil and companies in Tanzania, include, Statoil and Shell.”
If you haven’t worked with any oil and gas companies in Tanzania, establish credibility by the state any achievement you have accomplished as a company that is relevant to your potential client. In oil and gas experience is critical.So You can establish credibility by telling your client the number of years you have been in the business

5.Outline the services or products you offer
The next step is to tell your client how you can you help them. You should outline all the service and product you think your clients will benefit from

6.Conclude and Encourage your client to take action
The final step is to explain what action you want your client to take? Because the aim for shot a cold email is to get appointment with client so as you can present our goods and services to client
So here is how you can conclude your cold email “We humbly pray to have a good working relationship with (Name of client’s company) for mutual benefit. Kindly Schedule us a face to face meeting to further discuss our services.We know you are busy so we only need few minutes of your time to show you what we have got and you can judge for yourself if is what you are looking for. Will Monday or Thursday work for you?

Why this conclusion works well. The reason it works well is that

They are busy, so telling them you will spend few minutes with them, your client will be happy to meet you because they are confident you won’t take a lot of the time. Also, it makes client say yes because up

3-7-7 Follow Up Formula
Cold email can be frustrated when you send an email to the client and you don’t get a response.
What will you do when this happens? Will you give up? The answer is you send up follow up email.
There are many reasons why your client hasn’t reply your cold pitch. Here are some of the reasons

He hasn’t received your email. Sometimes, email is marked as a spam
So sending follow up email can resolve this challenge. But if you don’t know how to follow up with cold emailing, you will annoy your clients and end up hearing nothing. The purpose of follow up cold email isn’t to harass your client to book appointment with you but to remind them they didn’t receive or overlooked your email.
The good news is that using 3-7-7 follow up formula you will get more replies from the clients, and get more appointment that will result to sell more goods and services in the oil and gas in East Africa.
Stay tuned until the next post when I will reveal the 3-7-7 follow up formula that will get your more sales meeting

Tanzania Oil and Gas Upstream Sector Activity Outlook 2017-2018 Synopsis

It is truly remarkable how East Africa, and specifically Tanzania has in a short period of time become the main focus of attention as a source of new global gas supply. Large amounts of foreign investments have been made in the Tanzanian Oil and Gas industry after its discovery. These investments have made East Africa the next lucrative market in the international scenario.

Since 2010, Tanzania has witnessed further exploration and discoveries of significant quantities of natural gas both on and off-shore.

The speed at which governments in East Africa are developing hydrocarbon reserves is a clear indication of their will to cement the region’s reputation as the new hotspot  for oil and gas  exploration and production.

Recently, Tanzanian President John Magufuli ordered that exploitation of natural gas begin as a matter of urgency,


Tanzania Upstream Sector Activity Outlook 2017-2018  presents an in-depth assessment of the upstream sector in Tanzania including a look through the last over 65 years of oil and gas exploration, , discoveries as well as development and production of  natural gas.  The report also forecasts expected activity over the next 12 months and highlights various long term projects such as power generation and consumption by industries.

This outlook answers several questions for stakeholders, primarily which market segments they should focus upon during the next 12 months to prioritize their efforts and investments. These stakeholders include: engineering consulting firms, geophysical contractors, equipment providers, logistics companies, drilling contractors, research institutions, security firms, catering providers among others.

Our primary sources for the information herein include corporate presentations, financial statements, press releases, one on one interviews, SEC filings, government and related agencies announcements, news articles to name but a few.

This 17 page report looks into activity in the currently licensed exploration blocks and development licenses in Tanzania and guarantees you will remain better informed than your competition.

The research includes historic data from 1952 to 2017 and forecasts until 2035 which makes the reports an invaluable resource for industry executives, marketing, sales, advisors, analysts, and other people looking for key industry data in readily accessible documents with clearly presented tables and graphs.

The research provides the historical and current blocks overview:


·         Rukwa Basin License – Heritage Rukwa Ltd

·         Kilosa-Kilombero Basin License – Swala Oil and Gas (T) Ltd

·         Tanga Basin License – Afren/Petrodel

·         Ruvu Basin License – Dodsal Resources

·         Nyuni License – Ndovu Resources

·         Ruvuma Basin License – Ndovu Resources

·         Block 1 and 4 – BG/Shell

·         Block 2 – Statoil

·         Lake Tanganyika North License – Tanzania Petroleum Development Company

Development License

·         Songo Songo – PanAfrican Energy

·         Mnazi Bay – Maurel et Prom and Wentworth

·         Kiliwani North – Ndovu Resource


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You can then download it and read it on your Smartphone or computer.


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