4 Facts Every Tanzanian Sholud Know About Gas Industry



Discovery of natural gas in Tanzania is greeted with great optimism, Citizens believe gas is money, and they think through discovery of gas their lives could change dramatically, They think  gas sector  would bring millions of jobs, and their sons, daughters relatives or themselves  will be employed. they bel.In other word they have a lot of expectations. 

However their expectation are unrealistic and after knowing these factors you will be aware  on how real situation is

1.Few jobs in Oil and gas sector

Reality is, there is very few jobs in Tanzania petroleum field due to nature of the industry. if you don’t trust what i tell  you,  read this: see why discovery of natural gas in Tanzania could not bring Too Many jobs to Tanzanians as they believe

2.Gas is flowing and government earn money from it.

Citizens believe gas is flowing therefore government  and investor are benefit from the revenue generated from natural gas industry. This is untrue. see here why:misconception many Tanzanians on natural gas industry

3.Natural gas industry would improve their living standard

When people  talk about this, they take an example of country like Norway, where the discovery of oil in 1969 turn Norwegians into some of the wealthiest people in the world. But the most important things people forget is they never realize that Norway were quite well off even before the discovery

4.Only leaders and rich men will benefit from revenue generated from gas industry.

Citizens believe revenue generated from natural gas will stay in the hands of corrupt leaders  and politicians instead of benefit local community. This also is wrong misconception because recently, petroleum companies operating in Tanzania are more detailed about their financial report and also they publish information on the site where they work. This would make difficult for revenue generated from gas industry to stay in the hands of leaders.


Citizens should be given the right information and from the right sources so as they can be aware on the Tanzania petroleum field.

Roles of Petroleum Geoscientist In Petroleum companies


Few weeks ago i wrote an article about the roles of petroleum engineers in petroleum companies.  To day we are going to see the roles of Petroleum geoscientist.

Let us begin

Petroleum Geoscientists are petroleum professionals who help petroleum companies identify the likely location of petroleum deposits. As geoscientist you study the earth and its many compounds, you learn about the earth composition, examine what is made up, the earth structure, looking at its layers and then divide them into their chemical and physical, the earth formation studying its geological features over time like ocean mountains, rivers and deserts and finally the earth physical phenomena, investigating physical properties of matter and energy of natural things that you can see test smell, hear and feel. In other words you study everything that is in, on and the surrounds the earth

Because earth is very big and there are many so things to study, geosciences has been divided into many specialize sciences like geology, geophysics, geochemistry

Petroleum geoscientist  specialize in the study of location and characteristics of petroleum deposits very deep in the earth. To efficiently to explore for, petroleum geoscientists use many tools, they study the geology of the zones that identify potential petroleum reserves using geophysical techniques like geological survey, then to get data they use gravity meters and magnetic meters to identify type of  the rock in the formation deep below the surface.

          A gravity meters detects the change in the mass of the earth below, hard rock like  igneous rock has large mass than soft rock like sedimentary rock. These measurement allow geologist  construct basin  and structure map.

you can also read:these are roles of petroleum engineers in petroleum companies

The magnetic meters measures the different amount of magnetism present in the rock type and is used to identify different type of rocks and  structure.After analyzing their findings, geologists select good location for further analysis which will include seismic survey.

A seismic survey measure the reflection and refraction of sounds wave bouncing off the rock structures and types. As one of the powerful tool available to petroleum geoscientists, seismic survey are used to identify structures, fluid type and movement of fluids overtime.Seismic survey can be done on  the land and on the ocean.


The data obtained from these best  tools and sources along with sound information from seismic are compiled and send to the geoscientists like geophysicists, seismic interpreter and geo-modellers who used large computers to build geological model of the earth there deep under the ground.They use many resources to construct these geological models. With many advances in technology most of these models are currently build in a computer laboratory and utilize the largests advances in computer simulation. These simulation are updated and improved as more data is made available, as more data is acquired  and processed.

Once geoscientist receive feedback from the computer, they study the data by analyzing and interprete the result, they finally  ready to recommend next location of where to drill the first well. In Tanzania petroleum field there is area still need to be explored and  produced. There is information need  to be gathered on large scale and smll scale. We need more petroleum geoscientists in  Tanzania  petroleum field  as we are in the exploration phase.


So if you are looking for career  or opportunity in petroleum industry, consider  becoming petroleum geoscientist,because are key finder of petroleum

Layoff in Petroleum Companies Keep Increasing


Lets me telling  you one thing my friend, petroleum industries is very complex industry, it has up and  down, it has a lot of challenges, before you decide to look for job in this industry or starting your own business you must be aware of those challenges that face industry in order to know how you can handle them.

Both services companies and operators have been laid off their workers in order to cope with low level price due to falling of oil prices.

Layoffs increase day after day, up to this time worldwide  nearly  179,000 oil and gas workers have lost their jobs in response to low oil prices this is according to findings  conducted by energy recruiter swift worldwide resources.

You can also read: bad-and-good-news-to-all-graduates-who are currently looking for jobs in petroleum companies

On top of thousands of layoff already announced this year the layoff   are still increasing and bad news is that oil companies still cut up jobs. For example   Halliburton,  one of the largest service provider have slashed 14,000 jobs  and also company plan to cut more jobs including  management position in North America where the crude slump has been particularly brutal.


Since  Low oil prices are harsh realities that can not be avoided as the nature of business also layoff is inevitable in oil companies in this period of low crude prices


How Low Oil Price Affects Petroleum Companies and Petroleum Workers


searchBelieve me or not  some  people are happier with the recent low crude prices because they can fill their cars with cheaper gasoline, but  it hurt more oil companies and oil and gas workers.

Now let see how this it affect petroleum companies and i will finish by explain how it affects oil and gas workers.

Lets go


How it affect oil companies

The industry is composed of four segments

Upstream companies: they deal with exploration and production in other word they getting crude out of the ground. These  companies  experience bad time  during low crude prices as the cost of selling price it depend on market situation, while the cost of production is fixed. So if it costs more in production and exploration and costs at which  they sell price it gets low, they will incur losses .

Midstream Companies: They deals with moving crude oil and natural gas, example of midstream stuff  such as pipelines, tankers rail car etc. Since oil price is low these companies will move oil at the low prices.


Downstream companies they deal with refining manufacturing and selling of products from oil and natural gas like petrochemicals, lubricants and fertilizer. These companies are not affected much because they make profit by purchasing  crude or natural gas and selling their product so these companies still make profit even in downturn.

Service companies: they provide man power and help in service in oil and gas companies, example  Schlumberger,  and Halliburton, This companies during downturn experiencing serious trouble since because they depend on receiving tender from upstream  Companies,  So they must receive even less payment from operators as a result they incur loss.


How it affect Petroleum professionals

Petroleum companies are not only who feel the pain of this low prices but also it hurts  oil and gas workers. As the  crude price gets low petroleum companies try to find ways to run their operation with minimum cost and ensuring they are making profit, in order to do so they cut up jobs and laid off its workers. As the  oil and gas workers  lost their jobs in petroleum companies make them experiencing bad time.

Read :how-oil-gas-professionals-who-lost-jobs-can-survive-the-low-oil-price


Low oil price is not  a good news to every one because it has it hurts companies in petroleum business as well as oil and gas workers

These are Roles of Petroleum Engineers in Petroleum Companies



This article is very essentials for those who are already petroleum engineers and they need to updates their skills or those who they would like to be petroleum engineers.


Petroleum engineers apply technical skills and knowledge to solve engineering challenges. They work in subsurface   engineering   activities relating to the production of hydrocarbon which can be crude oil   or natural gas. In another way they get petroleum out of   the   ground and to the refinery.


Petroleum engineering specialize in three major types of engineering, which includes

  • Drilling engineers
  • Production engineers
  • Reservoir engineers


   Drilling engineers

They specialize in drilling, completion and work over operation. Drilling engineer drill deep to the subsurface  to find hydrocarbon deposit. Completion means to prepare well with steel pipe to cement pipe in place and to perforate pipe in the oil  zones  so that oil can flow to the surface.





         perforated pipe

Note: Workover   means whenever well is visited for any type of maintenance it is called workover


Production engineers

They specialize in studying well characteristics, understanding well characteristics help them maintain oil flow over the period of time.  They  use various chemical and mechanical procedure to maximize oil recovery from the well.


Reservoir engineers

They design and implement  plant development of an oil field. They identify the size of oil field by  measuring its boundary and depth.They use data of all instrument to determine all phases of drilling program, they calculate oil reserves which is the amount of oil still in the reservoir.

Read see-where-does-petroleum-come-from

All petroleum engineering work with  sophisticated instrument and computer program, also use advance mathematics and physics to deal complex matter and to better understand and interpret oil field, this help them to keep oil flowing. Petroleum engineers are needed throughout the world to maintain existing field and to develop new oil field


Whether on land or offshore, Petroleum engineers are the movers  of oil and gas

Roles of Petroleum Engineers do In Petroleum Industry

This article is very essentials for those who are already petroleum engineers and they need to updates their skills or those who they would like to be.


Petroleum engineers apply technical skills and knowledge to solve engineering challenges. They work in subsurface   engineering   activities relating to the production of hydrocarbon which can be crude oil   or natural gas. In another way they get petroleum out of   the   ground and to the refinery.


Petroleum engineering specialize in three major types of engineering, which includes

  • Drilling engineers
  • Production engineers
  • Reservoir engineers


   Drilling engineers

They specialize in drilling, completion and work over operation. Drilling engineer drill deep to the subsurface  to find hydrocarbon deposit. Completion means to prepare well with steel pipe to cement pipe in place and to perforate pipe in the oil  zones  so that oil can flow to the surface.


Note: Workover   means whenever well is visited for any type of maintenance it is called workover


Production engineers

They specialize in studying well characteristics, understanding well characteristics help them maintain oil flow over the period of time.  They  use various chemical and mechanical procedure to maximize oil recovery from the well.


Reservoir engineers

They design and implement  plant development of an oil field. They identify the size of oil field by  measuring its boundary and depth.They use data of all instrument to determine all phases of drilling program, they calculate oil reserves which is the amount of oil still in the reservoir.

All petroleum engineering work with  sophisticated instrument and computer program, also use advance mathematics and physics to deal complex matter and to better understand and interpret oil field, this help them to keep oil flowing. Petroleum engineers are needed throughout the world to maintain existing field and to develop new oil field.


Whether on land or offshore, Petroleum engineers are the movers  of oil and gas.



Dear readers we would love to hear all of these from you



Low Crude Price, Graduates Suffer Stiff Job Competition In Petroleum Companies



Since the oil price started falling in June 2014, the jobs in oil &gas companies keep falling, oil price crash has led to the many layoff from both operating and service companies many petroleum professionals have lost their jobs while fresh graduates are finding the way to get jobs in petroleum industry. This become difcult task for fresh graduates to get jobs due to the stiff competition in the industry.

Why there is stiff  job competitions in petroleum companies and how it  will affect many recent graduates.
There is stiff competition because the number of people who are seeking jobs in petroleum companies increases due to the current massive layoffs that left many petroleum professionals unemployed. So the demand for job is very high because those petroleum professionals who lost their jobs want to back again in petroleum companies and recent graduates also wish to begin their career in petroleum companies. This led to stiff competitions and it will afects many graduates

How low oil price would  affects many recent graduates as  they looking for  jobs in petroleum companies

  • Experience and training
    Due to this low level of crude prices companies are finding ways to ensure that they minimize costs and making profit, So to hire graduates it cost them in terms of money and time, due to the fact that it require long time to train fresh graduates in order to do the assigned jobs effectively, Therefore applicants with experiences and training are more preferred due the values they add in the companies

when you compare with fresh graduates. So oil companies will kills graduate job in order to cope with this low level crude price.

  • Less Salary
    Even if the oil companies will open fresh graduate jobs in this period of oil price downturn, the companies will chose few best candidates with less salary compared on what they were did before oil price crash. So many graduates will compete over the few jobs.
    Final words
    Possibilities of securing jobs for recent graduates is very lower due to this low crude prices, however if petroleum industry is your passion, you will fight and win the battle

How oil & Gas professionals who Lost jobs Can Survive the Low Oil Price





Since falling of oil price in  June 2014  many oil and gas professionals have lost their jobs in petroleum companies.

It is true that Petroleum professionals who lost their jobs in petroleum companies experiencing bad time, this pushes them divert into different industries, sometimes even not related to their experience or field of study, Some  of them spending time at home doing nothing rather than killing time to wait for oil price to recover.

If you are among of them, don’t panic, today I will show you how you can survive during this period of oil price crash. But before i figure out how you can survive, I want you to keep in mind that, this is not the first time oil

This is not the first time oil and gas industry downturn

Remember the similar oil price crash has occurred in 1986, also remember oil price crash has occurred in 2008, so you have to keep in mind that this is not the first time for oil price crash to occur, and also is not the last oil price crush, i predict another crash may exist again. If you know all of this you will realize that this is normal circumstance in oil and gas business.

Now Lets see how you can survive in this period of low crude price

Also You may read :how-to-have-successful-career-in-petroleum-industry



To be employed in petroleum companies does not imply you  unable to work  in other companies unrelated to oil and gas. So this is the right time to   mindstorming and decide where you can work. Also you can learn others skills  or disciplines that can help you while waiting for market to recover.


  1. Volunteer.

One of the advantages of oil prices crash is it develop leadership skills and it boost your resume, So  go and volunteer to any institution, don’t underestimate any  volunteering activities just go and learn then chance will go back to you.


3. Get  updated with current issues in petroleum industry.

Know where layoff are happened, know the trend of layoffs in petroleum industry, also  you must which sector are still recruit and which segment are not, and this you can know by visiting sites like    tanzaniapetroleum.com etc


4.Get job that you will support you to make living.

It doesn’t matter where as long you get money, find where you can add value and this will help you increase chances of getting job later.


5.Widen your network.

This is not only will help you to get job but also it’s very important for your career development and success. Such for key people in the internet, use social networks wisely and the one I recommend most is to create professional linkedin profile. Attend events and conference relating to petroleum industry. I



It’s difficult to predict when this downturn will end up  but atleast at the end of 2015. So is up to you how to react to  that. If petroleum industry is your passion I believe you will fight and win the battle. But before  that happen  I believe a lot of thing should be done. This is right time to start. Start now…….






How to have Successful Career in Petroleum Industry




Have you seen some employee in oil and gas industry  are happier day to day, moving from one position to another, and are promoted faster than others, more productive more fulfilled than others? While others are filled with angry and frustrations. What makes this difference?  Is it Kismet or Kind of  fate?

So to day i will share with you three simple secret that will make you more happier and more successful in your career in oil and gas industry


  1. Have open mind and be willing to learn.

You should develop the habit of lifelong learning,  one of common habit that destroy career of many employee in petroleum industry is to stop   learning immediately after getting the job offer. The industry is very diverse no  matter   what the degree or background you should develop the habit of continuous  learning in order to be among of the most respected and successful person in your job or career.



  1. Understand your company or industry and what role you can play

You must be aware of challenges and problem that face  industry  and thinking on finding  a means you can solve those problems. If you demonstrate interest, passion and great attitude in getting involved, this will assist you to be promoted faster than others who keep on waiting for luck to struck them.




  1. Network with professionals in the oil and gas industry.

Attend every seminars and conferences relating to oil and gas industry where you can meet professionals from different industry. And this tip is work more for students and other job seeker where can start getting contacts to see where you would like to apply and having successful career. You should find upcoming events in the site like Tanzaniapetroleum.com or other sites


Those tips I mention above are very simple to apply but it need a lot of commitment.


Good luck in your successful career in oil and gas industry

Oil firms prefer Tanga pipeline route to Lamu



bdsouthsudanoil1Oil companies in Uganda are in discussions with Tanzania for an alternative pipeline route through Tanga despite a recent agreement between Presidents Yoweri Museveni and Uhuru Kenyatta.

Whereas President Museveni of Uganda and his Kenyan counterpart President Kenyatta sealed a deal that if implemented with see Ugandan oil exported through Kenyan port of Lamu, oil companies believe the Tanga route is cost effective.

The EastAfrican has learnt that besides security concerns, the companies are also uncomfortable with the cost of the Lamu route, arguing that the southern route through Tanzania would be cheaper and offer better commercial terms to the users.

“We are evaluating all viable options and the Tanzania route is one of them,” Total’s corporate affairs manager Ahlem Friga-Noy told The EastAfrican.

Total’s senior vice president for Eastern Africa, Javier Rielo  on August 22 met with Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete and discussed the possibility of building a crude oil pipeline from Hoima to Tanga.

President Kikwete supported the proposal as it fits within Tanzania’s ongoing preparatory works to upgrade Tanga port’s capacity to off load petroleum products.

Total E&P, Tullow Oil and China National Offshore Oil Company are equal partners in Uganda’s upstream sector, where 6.5 billion barrels of oil, 1.4 billion of them recoverable, have so far been confirmed.

Sources in the Ugandan government revealed that the Tanga route is also being considered even though the state has no hand in the ongoing discussions led by the oil companies.

A senior Ugandan official said while the country had in principle agreed to the Lamu route as reflected in the MoU that Kenya and Uganda signed during President Kenyatta’s recent visit to the country, the concerns Uganda raised such as the cost and security, mean that the Tanga route could still be explored.

The official added that Uganda would soon commission a feasibility study for the Tanga route, but this would be strictly for benchmarking purposes against alternative routes to the north and determining comparative costs for them.

In the MoU that the two presidents signed affirming the Hoima-Lokichar-Lamu route, it was conditional that Uganda get a low tariff pipeline. Other conditions included Kenya guaranteeing security on its side of the pipeline, quick implementation of the project and mobilisation of the finances, which would be a joint effort.

Although one Ugandan official describes President Museveni’s conditions as just being “precautionary,” the security provision is being seen by the oil companies as likely to push the tariff beyond what alternative routes would offer.

However, Earnest Rubondo, director at Uganda’s Petroleum Exploration and Production Department (PEPD), said all the three possible routes — Lamu, Mombasa and Tanga — are still on the table until conclusive studies are completed.

Last month, the Japanese company Toyota Tsusho, handed to the government a study showing that the Hoima-Lokichar-Lamu routing for the pipeline was more feasible than the alternative — Hoima-Nairobi-Mombasa route.

Iss Awarded Paragon Offshore Project In Tanzania




Inchcape Shipping Services (ISS) has been appointed by Paragon Offshore in Houston as marine and logistic services provider for a new drilling campaign off the Songo Songo Islands, Tanzania – the first new commercial drilling project in Tanzania in a number of years.

ISS is providing a range of services for Paragon Offshore including full husbandry, crew logistics, visa assistance and arranging marine and air charters.

Paragon Offshore is deploying jack-up rig M826 on the nine month campaign for PanAfrican Energy Tanzania – the country’s first natural gas producer.

M826 arrived at the field on board semi-submersible vessel, OHT Falcon, to be floated off and pinned to the drilling location.

During the campaign, M826 will clear actively producing wells to enhance output and will drill several new wells in the same field