GLPGP, ARDA Unveil $1.5 Billion Fund to Promote LPG for Clean Cooking in Africa

In a groundbreaking development for Africa’s energy and public health sectors, the Global LPG Partnership (GLPGP) and the African Refiners & Distributors Association (ARDA) have announced a $1.5 billion fund aimed to significantly impact clean cooking in Africa by accelerating the adoption of LPG as a primary cooking fuel.

This ambitious initiative seeks to drastically reduce the reliance on traditional biomass fuels, which have been linked to significant health and environmental issues.

With approximately 900 million Africans still dependent on traditional biomass for cooking, this fund aims to transition millions towards Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as a primary cooking fuel.

The African continent faces a unique set of challenges when it comes to energy access. Many households continue to rely on biomass such as wood, charcoal, and animal dung for cooking, which not only contribute to deforestation and environmental degradation but also pose severe health risks.

Indoor air pollution from biomass cooking methods causes around 600,000 premature deaths annually in Africa, primarily affecting women and children who spend the most time near stoves.

The IEA declared 2024 as a pivotal year for making substantial progress towards achieving universal access to clean cooking.

To this end, a summit in Paris this year saw the mobilization of $2.2 billion in public and private sector funding to support clean cooking initiatives. This puts the GLPGP-ARDA fund in context as part of a broader, global push to address this critical issue.

Strategic Initiatives Across the Continent.

The GLPGP-ARDA fund is not operating in a vacuum. In Gabon, for example, the independent oil and gas company Perenco has launched its Batanga LPG plant, as part of a $50-million gas development project that aims to produce 15,000 tons of LPG annually.

Kenya is also making strides, having positioned itself as a regional LPG hub by which  has initiated the construction of a new LPG facility in Mombasa.

Recent developments include Taifa Gas constructing a $130-million, 30,000-metric-ton LPG storage facility in the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone in Mombasa, designed to reduce East Africa’s dependency on imported LPG.

These country-specific projects are emblematic of a larger trend toward improving the LPG infrastructure across Africa, a strategic move aligned with the goals of the GLPGP-ARDA fund.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Clean Cooking.

Environmental Impact

Switching from biomass to LPG also alleviates environmental pressures. The unsustainable harvesting of wood for charcoal and firewood is a significant driver of deforestation, which in turn exacerbates climate change and soil erosion. By providing an alternative, the fund aims to tackle not just human health issues but also broader ecological concerns.

Economic Advantages

The economic implications of adopting LPG are multifaceted. Reduced healthcare costs, decreased time spent collecting biomass, and the opportunity for women, who primarily take on these roles, to engage in other economic activities can have a profound impact on local economies.

Implementation: Infrastructure, Distribution, and Education.

The success of the $1.5 billion fund lies in its multi-pronged approach, focusing on infrastructure, distribution, and consumer education.

Infrastructure Development.

Robust infrastructure is the backbone of any energy project. The fund will support the development of LPG plants, storage facilities, and distribution networks, reducing logistical challenges and ensuring a steady supply of LPG across urban and rural areas.

Distribution Networks.

Creating reliable distribution networks is crucial for making LPG accessible to the average consumer. This includes not just transporting LPG to retail points but also investing in delivery mechanisms that ensure availability even in remote areas.

Consumer Education.

No technological advancement is effective without awareness and education. Many households are unfamiliar with the benefits and usage of LPG. The fund will therefore allocate resources to consumer education programs, teaching communities about the safe and efficient use of LPG, as well as its health and environmental benefits.

Challenges and Considerations.

While the GLPGP-ARDA fund is a monumental step in the right direction, several challenges remain.


The cost of LPG remains a significant barrier for many households. Subsidies or innovative financing models may be necessary to make LPG affordable for low-income families.

Cultural Resistance.

Long-standing cooking traditions and skepticism about new technologies can hinder adoption. Tailored community engagement strategies are required to overcome this resistance.

Regulatory Framework.

A coherent regulatory framework is essential for the success of clean cooking initiatives. Governments need to develop and enforce policies that protect consumers and ensure the fair distribution of resources.

Supply Chain Robustness.

Ensuring a consistent and reliable supply of LPG is another critical area. Interruptions in supply can erode trust in LPG as a viable alternative, leading communities to revert to traditional cooking methods.

The Role of Women.

Women are disproportionately affected by the current reliance on biomass, bearing the brunt of the health impacts and the time burden associated with fuel collection. Empowering women through targeted education and providing them with subvended cylinders can accelerate the transition to LPG. Women’s organizations and local leaders should be integral to the rollout strategy.

Technological Innovations.

Leveraging technology can play a pivotal role. For instance, mobile money and blockchain technologies can streamline subsidy distribution, ensuring that financial assistance reaches those who need it without intermediaries siphoning off funds. Real-time data analytics can help monitor usage patterns and ensure supply meets demand efficiently.

A Holistic Approach

Adopting a holistic approach that aligns with other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can amplify the impact. For instance, integrating clean cooking initiatives with broader energy access programs, agricultural development, and health services can create synergies that enhance the program’s sustainability and effectiveness.

Case Study: The Success of Rwanda’s Clean Cooking Strategy.

Rwanda serves as a compelling case study of what can be achieved with a focused and well-funded clean cooking strategy. The Rwandan government’s Vision 2020 initiative aimed to reduce the reliance on biomass from  82-83% to 42% by 2024.

This was pursued through a combination of subsidies, public-private partnerships, and robust consumer education programs. By aligning clean cooking initiatives with broader national goals, Rwanda showcases the potential for transformative impact.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

The $1.5 billion GLPGP-ARDA fund marks a significant milestone in the quest for universal access to clean cooking in Africa. While the challenges are substantial, the benefits—improved health, environmental preservation, economic opportunities, and enhanced quality of life—are compelling incentives for collective action. By addressing infrastructure, distribution, and education in tandem, and incorporating innovative solutions and holistic approaches, this initiative has the potential to be a game-changer.


As stakeholders continue to collaborate, the lessons learned and the strategies employed will serve as a blueprint not just for Africa, but for the global clean cooking community, steering us closer to a world where every household can cook in a healthy and sustainable manner.

Hussein Boffu runs a consultancy helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals through business planning and consultancy support. Would you like to reach out to him? Contact him via email at or by calling, texting, or WhatsApp at +255(0)655376543.