All Eyes On Tanzanian Oil and Gas sector


Oil and gas sector is talking point in Tanzania. Everyone eyeing in the oil and gas.

Ever think why? Because money available in the sector is endless.

Still doubt?

Check out the lifestyle of Tanzanian oil and gas employees. They bank six-figure salaries every month.

Not to mention investors themselves make billions of dollars

In recent days, people feel proud to work at TPDC. Not to talk working in international oil companies like Schlumberger, Halliburton, BG where salary package is very attractive

Also Read:Where are qualified Tanzanians in Oil and Gas Sector

Tanzanian swarm into petroleum courses

To get admission for petroleum courses is quite difficult in Tanzanian academic institutions .

why? because Many students want to take petroleum related courses that lead to stiff competition, as a result, only students with great grades get admitted for petroleum courses

Some Tanzanians have been travelling overseas for petroleum studies, Others have quit jobs and change career into oil and gas sector.

And what important facts most of us ignore about Oil and gas sector?

The harsh truth about oil and gas sector are these
1. The sector employs small fraction of workers because is capital intensive industry
2. The job market in oil and gas sector is not guaranteed because of world oil price fluctuation

And what we should do then?
Oooh, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean people should not take petroleum courses.

The Tanzanian oil and gas sector still need many local workforce to develop and manage our new found wealth.

But, before you pursue a career into oil and gas sector before decide to quit a job and go overseas for petroleum related training, you should have a better understanding on oil and gas sector and how it works.

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.