Schlumberger Introduces Depth Domain Inversion Services

Schlumberger petro-technical experts use the services to improve the
reliability and consistency of seismic structural and quantitative
interpretation in complex environments.

“Conventional seismic inversion in the time domain introduces
inconsistency between the seismic images and the rock properties,
especially where there’s a significant overburden, such as subsalt,”
said Maurice Nessim, president, Schlumberger PetroTechnical Services.
“With Depth Domain Inversion Services, customers receive more
information derived from seismic data for reservoir characterization.
This helps reduce uncertainty in complex reservoir environments, improve
the confidence in prospect delineation, reservoir properties and
volumetric calculations.”
Performing seismic inversion in the depth domain fully integrates the
inversion with the imaging products to improve the reliability of
estimating rock properties for reservoir characterization. This is done
by correcting for depth space and dip dependent illumination effects
during seismic amplitude inversion directly in the depth domain.
depth domain inversion services
Depth Domain Inversion Services have been successfully applied in
complex geological environments in North and South America. In the Green
Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico, Schlumberger petrotechnical experts
used a Depth Domain Inversion workflow in a complex subsalt area that
was poorly illuminated.
Reverse time migration produced seismic amplitudes adversely
imprinted by the illumination effects. Executed in the Petrel E&P
software platform, the workflow improved structural and quantitative
interpretation, corrected illumination effects and provided a much
sharper reflectivity image for better event continuity, more reliable
seismic amplitudes and a higher fidelity acoustic impedance volume

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.

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