C.E O Aminex Purchases 492,341 Shares Of Company

The chief executive  of  London AIM-listed Aminex, Jay Bhattacherjee bought 492,341 shares of Aminex stock in a transaction dated Friday, July 13th. The shares were bought at an average cost of GBX 2 ($0.03) per share, for a total transaction of £9,846.82 ($13,033.51).

Shares of Aminex opened at GBX 2.20 ($0.03) on Wednesday, MarketBeat.com reports. Aminex plc has a one year low of GBX 2.60 ($0.03) and a one year high of GBX 6.20 ($0.08).

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Aminex holds a 75% interest in the Ruvuma production sharing agreement (PSA), with UK Solo Oil 25%.

Hussein Boffu runs a consultancy helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals through business planning and consultancy support. Would you like to reach out to him? Contact him via email at hussein.boffu@tanzaniapetroleum.com or by calling, texting, or WhatsApp at +255(0)655376543.