How Petrol Station Business Has Changed Forever in Tanzania and East Africa?

The dynamics of the petrol station business in Tanzania and East Africa have shifted significantly. Gone are the days when investors or entrepreneurs could expect immediate 2X returns on their investments. With mounting investment costs and fierce competition, taking risks is no longer a viable option.


In this landscape, securing the right petrol station location is paramount. You need a site that guarantees high sales volumes and positions you ahead of competitors. Yet, many investors and entrepreneurs continue to pour millions of shillings and dollars into unproven locations, wasting valuable resources in the process.


In today’s economy, there’s no room for trial and error. Imagine if you could assess the profit potential and performance of a chosen petrol station location before investing any capital. What if you could accurately estimate total construction costs, required sales volumes, and the time it takes to recoup your investment?


Moreover, what if you could analyze your competitors’ performance in your trading area without leaving your office? Our Petrol Station Location Feasibility Study and Due Diligence offer clear insights into your project’s profit potential and performance, empowering you with greater control over its success.


Whether you’re launching a new petrol station or expanding your existing operations, our team has the expertise to support your growth ambitions. Don’t leave your success to chance. Contact us today at +255(0)655376543 or and let us help you navigate the complexities of starting or expanding your petrol station business.


Hussein Boffu runs a consultancy provides business planning, financial forecasts, market research reports, expert analysis and consulting for entrepreneurs and business owners. Reach out to him via email at or by calling, texting, or WhatsApp at +255(0)655376543.