What is the Strategic Importance of LNG in Tanzania? And what does it means to Tanzanians?

The oil and gas industry has done a poor job educating and connecting to the public and critical stakeholders about what value they provide to society.

When we communicate the value of big oil and gas projects like LNG or pipeline, we explain as follows:

“Our project contributes to economic growth.”
“Our projects create a lot of jobs for Tanzanians and East Africans.”
“The host country will collect more tax.”

This communication strategy doesn’t work because even construction projects and tobacco companies contribute to economic growth and create many employments.

What we need to tell the public and key stakeholders is that oil and gas projects like LNG projects are a quick way for Tanzania to expand access to affordable abundant, and reliable energy for the people.

That abundant, affordable, and reliable fuel supply leads to prosperity.

Because now energy will be reliable enough, so our water purification plants never stop producing clean water. Our hospitals and factories will always have power.

Oil and gas projects mean energy supply is affordable enough to lift the poor out of poverty. And abundant enough to raise the standard of living for our growing population.

Tanzania’s oil and gas industry is the master industry. This is an industry that power every other industry. The more we produce affordable, abundant, and reliable natural gas fuel, the more we enhance construction, agriculture, health care, education, and manufacturing.

Educating key stakeholders and the Tanzanian public about the value of the oil and gas industry is the key to think strategically about the oil and gas industry is the key objective.

And while making energy policy is the government’s job, it can’t be done by the government alone. There are education roles for all stakeholders.

Business leaders and employees of the oil and gas companies understand that more affordable, abundant, and reliable energy supplies are a fundamental component of quality life.

They also understand that what they do for these counties is already impressive. You only need to communicate in the way that it connects to the public.

I think Tanzanian and East Africa people need to be educated to get the same understanding.

Tanzanians and the East Africans must begin to think oil and gas sector as the way they think about education, health care, the agriculture-as key enabler for improving quality of life,

If you explain the value of what you do, your projects can get approved quickly and benefits people, the economy, and the continent.

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at Hussein.boffu@tanzaniapetroleum.com or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.