Relationship Are The Heart Of Oil and Gas Business In Tanzania This is how To establish them Right Way

Would like to get a client in the oil and gas in Tanzania or somewhere in East Africa? Would love to get repeat business in the oil and gas sector?
If your answer to either question is “Yes” you are in the right place.
The oil and gas sector is the relationship industry, people in the industry prefer to do business with people they like and know. so relationship is the key to success in the industry.

As my friend, Mark LaCour says “This is an industry of people doing business with people” This statement prove truth
So your ability to build to keep the relationship in the industry will make you the most in the industry

4 Reasons Why Relationship Is A Key To Success In The Oil and Gas

1. It is a personal contact industry
This is an industry of people doing business with people. People in oil and gas prefer to do business with people they know and like. Resume, cover letter, and brochures alone are too impersonal,

2. Stiff Competition
Job listing and vendor listing in oil and gas tend to draw thousands of applicants, which put you in intense competition with all those people. Networking you a recommended number of a much, much smaller group.

3. Often Opportunities in oil and gas not advertised


Often business and jobs opportunities in oil and gas are not advertised. Relationship leads to information, sales and job leads often before a formal job description is created or job is posted on a website or invitation to apply for expression of interest(EOI)

4. BIG money industry
Oil and gas are the capital-intensive business, People put billions of dollar  in the oil and gas projects. So they put a lot of risks to work or do business with people they don’t know. So they want to build a kind of trust before award you a contract.

Now that, you have an idea why relationship is critical in the oil and gas, now let’s talk about how to establish it

 5 Realistic Ways How To Build and Keep Relationship In The Industry
Here are the realistic ways to build a strong relationship in the oil and gas sector.

1.Attend industry events and join associations and clubs

The best way to network in Tanzania oil and gas sector is to go places that people you want to connect to oil and gas are frequent congrats.
This include joins associations and attends the same event and conference they attend. To establish relationship with people at the event and associations the first thing thing is to introduce yourself and give your names to people you meet in the event
Ask a great question that will build trust with that person. Say something like “ Where do you work” “Do you have children” How long have you been in Tanzania” Is this your first time to attend this event”
Ask for a business card. Never exchange business card and leave like many people do. Once they gave you a card, treat it with care. Read it. And comment on a card. Say “Looks like a great company”

The following day, after meeting sends them a thank you email. Say “It has been pleasure meeting yesterday. I enjoy talking to you. And I strongly believe will talk again soon.

A Quick Rule To Remember To Get Most Of The Relationship
A key rule in building a relationship is an “EXCHANGE”. And it goes like this “You help enough people to get what they want and you will get everything you want” In another word, Networking is a give and receive. You are helping someone they are helping you. So make sure it’s an equal exchange

So when you meet new person avoid to ask for a favor in initial networking activities. Make no attempt to ask for a job or promote your services once you meet new people in Initial networking activities. It will never work out. This is because a new person you meet has two kinds of fear. Fear to be taken advantages of or to be manipulated. So your job is to eliminate these fear In your initial conversation with a person you come in contact. And the best way to achieve that is by ask question about themselves.

Like where are you come from? What are you doing? Which company you work, who are your customers?
Once you ask this kind of questions, people feel you care about them. This build friendship and relationship that result in information about job or business opportunities
So once you meet people find out how you can help them, rather than looking at what you can get from them. And never make it too complicated. You might assist them in getting customers, give them a knowledge or you can offer them a good book.etc.

If you meet a person in the meeting for the first time, and then you offer him your resume or brochure. He can’t help you. Because oil and gas are the personal contact industry, You should first build trust and connect with that person in human level, and ask for a favor later.

2.Have a regular physical presence at oil companies‟ offices.
You should repeatedly oil and gas companies’ premises that way you will keep your face in their mind, have a repeated meeting with your clients is an effective way to establish the relationship because they will start to like and trust start you and they will become a friend of your business.

3.Give something back
This might sound unethical but the relationship is given and receive. So give something back to your prospect works really well not only in East Africa but across the world. I call this is an “International tradition” And here is how it works, give a gift to your prospects or special clients, bring them out for a launch, dinner or entertainment.

4.Be prompt in your response.
If your prospect sends you an email response to them quickly, if the client has sent you the request for proposal, please send them your quotation quickly. Your ability to respond faster will make the client to rely on your goods or services

If you have implemented everything above, you will likely win at least one contract. And you will be required to deliver goods or services to the purchaser.
But the truth is, the oil and gas sector is competitive, so once you get a contract, render a good service. Deliver on time or early. In this industry, your last job predicts your next opportunities.
One of the key factors oil and gas companies consider when choosing a supplier is their ability to respond quickly. So, do a good job, and they will give you more. Some operations in the oil and gas sector, such as drilling, are the fast-response businesses, so delaying, delivering poor supplies, or rendering poor services, will delay and ruin production and hence reduce their profit.


I hope this helps. If you find this information informative please share with your friends on social media or just leave your comments below.



Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.