Amnex Is Now Profitable and Full Funded To Drill Notrya- 3 In Tanzania

Aminex plc (LON:AEX) has been receiving some encouragement following re-assessments of the recent Ntorya-2 appraisal well result.

Broker Shore Capital calculated that on a revised view of the Ruvuma project in Tanzania, which includes Ntorya, the shares are worth 6p/share against a 4p per share valuation previously.

It notes the shares have retreated from 7p since April but sees this as overdone.

Concerns over the flow rate at Ntorya 2 are explained by a cautious approach taken by Aminex says the broker, with the possibility of a well blow-out if preventative action had not been taken.

“Perhaps in contrast with some other views, we were therefore very encouraged by the outcome from Ntorya-2.”

The well has increased the size of the discovery and de-risked additional prospectivity at Ruvuma, it added.

Sanguine about Tanzania

Shore is also reasonably sanguine about the state of Tanzania, where a ban of gold concentrate exports has hit Acacia Mining and sentiment about the country hard on worries about its financial situation.

Aminex has a stake in the producing Kiliwani gas field in Tanzania and Shore understands that three months of invoices are currently outstanding.

Reduced gas pressure at Kiliwani has prompted Shore to lower its revenues estimates this year to US$9.4mln (US$11.4mln) with profits of US$3.15mln forecast.

Even so, Shore believes Aminex’s financial position is robust.

“Following last year’s equity fundraising exercise, which introduced strategic investor Zubair Corporation of Oman, we continue to see sufficient headroom for the Ntorya-3 appraisal well, due for spudding later this year.

“Aminex is now profitable and fully funded to drill Ntorya-3, the broker added.

Over the next few months its expects to see an update on basin modelling, Ntorya-3 drilling plans and the announcement of submission of the Ntorya field development plan.

Balance sheet strength a boon

In an interview with Proactive, Bhattacherjee also emphasis the company’s healthy financial position and said that being able to fund itself was a big step forward for the company.

“For us to be debt-free –establishes a new base from which to grow the business.”

Bhattacherjee also believes Tanzania’s unhappiness with the miners may be good for the oil and gas sector.

If the miners are required smelter resources in the country, ‘that will need a lot of gas’.

Read: Attention:Business-owners-entrepreneurs-seeking-opportunities in-the-oil-and-gas-in-Tanzania

Deep potential at Ruvuma

Being self-funded means it can consider the full potential of Ruvuma and how best to exploit it, which may mean going deeper.

And Ruvuma will be the key focus for the company going forward, he told Proactive.

“Ntorya-3 is ready to go but want to make sure, we maximise as many targets as we possibly can.”

“We are working is on a basin model and evaluation some of the deeper targets for liquids. So we are not only planning the next well but subsequent wells after that as well.

“The Cretaceous systems are big, but some of the deeper Triassic and Jurassic reservoirs are even bigger.”


SOURCE: Proactive Investors

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