The Only Key Result Area of Your Business That Will Result In More Clients And Sales In East Africa’s Oil and Gas This Year

Kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi asilia cha Madimba mkoani Mtwara

As a business owner, you have a lot of task to accomplish. These might product productions, managing your staff, marketing and selling of your products and services.

If you think you should invest equal energy in all these areas of your business, You will work too hard and earn too little.

But the good news is that, There only one key area that accounts for more of your sales and earnings.

Once you discover this area, you will grow your profit with less effort.

To survive in this period of cheap oil prices, you should spend 80% of your energy, time and money in this only area of your business,

So what is that? Well, The answer is simple. It is MARKETING.

If you want to double income in the oil and gas you should spend enough time in marketing.

And the reasons you should invest 80% of your energy in the Marketing is that. Without marketing

You have no clients. No cash flow. And no business.

The sad reality is that the most marketing strategies are expensive or inefficiency. To cut cost you should invest the cost effective marketing that will get you the tangible result in your business.

And that’s approach will be digital marketing Traditional marketing are expensive. But digital marketing is more cost effective. That means you should use web presences to generates leads and sales in oil and gas sector.
See the link here to learn how digital marketing is work in oil and gas sector.  [How-to-drive-sales-in-east-africas-oil-and-gas-slow-market]

And if you have any questions. Reach out to me at I read all the email

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.

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