What Is Your Next Business? Navigate Your Next Business In Kenya’s Lubricant Market

Kenya’s economy is the largest in East Africa, with real GDP expected to grow by 5.2 on average in 2023-2024.

Lubricant oils are the lifeblood of any growing economy like Kenya.

It is required to fulfilling different types of functions of engine or machinery.

Continued economic and industrial production growth and robust vehicle fleet expansion drive the expansion of the lubricants market in Kenya.

The country’s vehicle fleet is expanding rapidly. Around 5 million vehicles are expected to be on the roads by 2030.

The need for regular maintenance in used cars is another factor driving the consumption of lubricant oil in Kenya.

Used cars accounted for over 80% of the total number of motor vehicles used in the country in 2019.

The market is expected to grow by 3 percent and 5 percent annually.

Industry players say lubricants’ profit margins are higher than other petroleum products.

Lubricants are either sourced locally or through direct importation.

Local manufacturing of oils is concentrated in three blending plants. It is estimated that locally blended lubricants account for 80 percent of total country sales.

The lubricant industry in Kenya is divided into four sub-sector. The retail segment that markets lubricants products at petrol stations.

Resellers target vehicles, spare parts shops, and garages.

The commercial segment focuses on marketing lubricants to customers, including factories, agriculture, mining, logistics, and transport companies.

The aviation sub-sectors sell products to airlines—and marine segments.

How Long Does it Take to Build a Petrol Station in Tanzania?

The petrol station is a profitable business in Tanzania that requires effort and dedication.

Building a petrol station requires a huge investment in time and money.

Learning about the market and finding suitable land requires extensive research and time.

Also, obtaining all licenses and permits from various regulatory and government agencies is time-consuming.

During this process, you might be tempted to quit; you think, “I am crazy for doing this?”

Perhaps you will be ridiculed by friends and even family who do not understand what this means.

Why build petrol stations at all?
Looking at the intro, you could think, “If I am going to face that and lose in the process, why start?”

Like building any new business, building a petrol station gives you a unique sense of achievement. Growing it continues in that sense.

It is uncharted territory when you embark on your petrol station business journey.

You may be the first in your circle of friends to do this.

You know it will be a large part of life. You build a petrol station not because you want to prove something to haters or people who doubted you.

You build to prove to yourself that you can.

Building Petrol Station Means Taking Risks.

Building your petrol station means you get the credit. The money. The respect.

It also includes all the financial losses, criticisms, all complaints. Fall out if anything goes wrong.

This is daunting. Make mistakes, and it can hunt you.

In Closing
Building a petrol station takes time. It can take between seven to nine months.

Don’t take shortcuts. To build something you are proud of, spend more time researching and planning. This helps you make them so that you are proud of what you achieved.

Six LPG Business Opportunities: Profiting From Helping People Cook Without Smoke In Tanzania and Africa

Tanzania and Africa are amid the largest cooking energy transition to date. 

For example, Tanzania’s annual LP gas consumption grew from 5,500 metric tonnes in 2005 to 217,149 in 2022.

By 2028, other landlocked countries such as Rwanda, Eastern DRC, Zambia, Malawi, Burundi, and Uganda will have a good share of LPG sourcing from Tanzania. The demand is also likely to increase even further. This presents ample opportunities for builders.

People who want to create and lead through building new LPG businesses, projects, companies, products, and services.

Six LPG Investment and business opportunities in Tanzania or Africa

There are several profitable business opportunities in Tanzania’s LPG sector. Here are a ideas:

1. LPG Distribution: Start a business that focuses on distributing LPG cylinders and related equipment to households, businesses, and industries. You can establish a network of distribution points and build partnerships with LPG suppliers.

2. LPG Retail: Set up retail outlets where customers can buy LPG cylinders, accessories, and cooking appliances. This can be done in urban areas or in areas with limited LPG access. Consider offering additional services like refilling, maintenance, and repairs.

3. LPG Conversion: Offer conversion services for vehicles from traditional fuels to LPG. This could target taxis, buses, and other commercial vehicles. As LPG is known for being more environmentally friendly and cost-effective, there is potential demand for such services.

4. LPG Infrastructure Development: Invest in infrastructure development, such as building LPG filling stations and storage facilities. This can supply LPG to retailers, industries, and large-scale consumers like hotels and restaurants.

5. LPG Cylinder Manufacturing/Refurbishment: Establish a facility for manufacturing or refurbishing LPG cylinders. This can help meet the growing demand for cylinders or provide cost-effective solutions for reusing and maintaining existing ones.

6. LPG Safety and Training: Start a business focused on providing safety training and equipment to LPG users. This can include educating customers on safe handling, storage, and usage of LPG, as well as supplying safety accessories like regulators and gas detectors.

Remember, before starting any business, it is essential to conduct thorough market research, understand the regulatory framework, and assess the competition in the LPG sector in Tanzania.

Lubricants(Engine Oil): A Closer Look At a Competitive, Growing Market in Tanzania and Africa

Cars, lorries, motorcycles, tricycles, and machinery continue to be imported into Tanzania and East Africa.

The need for regular maintenance of these imported vehicles and machinery drives the lubricant market’s expansion.

The consumption of lubricants in Tanzania has continued to increase at an average rate of 12% per year, and it will most likely continue to grow.

Lubricant consumption continues to increase in almost all African countries due relative increase in machines that use lubricants, especially in the automotive and manufacturing industries.


Lubricants are either sourced locally or through direct importation. In all East African countries, lubricants are either blended/manufactured locally through imported feedstock materials or imported as finished products. 

In Tanzania, for example, in 2021, 85% of the consumed lubricants were locally blended, and the remaining was imported as finished products.

The lubricant industry in Tanzania and East Africa is divided into four sub-sector. The retail segment that markets lubricants products at petrol stations.

Resellers target vehicles, spare parts shops, and garages.

The commercial segment focuses on marketing lubricants to commercial customers, including factories, agriculture, mining, logistics, and transport companies.

The aviation sub-sectors sell products to airlines. And marine segment sells lubricants to marine vessels.

            Opportunities in Lubricant Sector.

1. Produce your own lubricants/Small Blending plant

In this option, you will buy bulk base oils from abroad, create your own formulation, and pack them in your brand package. You will need to have storage facilities for stocking base oils. It requires expertise, technology, and massive investment capital. 

The second option you can reach out to an existing blending facility in the country. You will buy back products from them, and they will pack on your behalf on your chosen label. This will allow you to sell only finished products to consumers using your label or brand name.


2. Start Lubricating Oils Retail/reseller Shop 

This is easy to start a business in the lubricants industry. If you can secure a place and set up a shop nearby garages, you can build a profitable business. This is because vehicle drivers visit garages for regular maintenance. 


3.Set up Lubricants wholesale distributions business

Eligible investors or entrepreneurs can apply to become a significant oil marketing company’s super dealer who will work partly with them to sell their lubricants in the market. Your supplier(large oil marketing company) will supply you with a wide range of lubricants in bulk at a fair wholesale price, and in turn, you will sell and earn a modest profit margin, and you may decide to sell at a retail price double profit.

As a super dealer, you will have to make sure that you have enough warehouses to keep the lubricants products.

4. lubricants oils importation

The importation of lubricant is a thriving and lucrative business in Tanzania and East Africa. As an oil importer, you can dictate your own price in the market and have the power to introduce your own packaging and new brand.

You need to rent a warehouse secured enough to house your products. With sufficient investment capital, good distribution channels, and high-quality lubricant products, new investors can win in this competitive market. 

Five High Demands Lubricants Products Range to Distribute in Tanzania and East Africa.

Selling the right products is key to your business success. Although the demand for lubricant products differs based on location, some mainly consumed lubricants range in Tanzania and East Africa.

  1. Diesel Engine Oils: The first big volume seller of lubricant oil in Tanzania is diesel engine oils. Diesel engine oils reduce engine friction, mainly in heavy trucks, tankers, and stand-by factory generators. The high-demand package is 1 liter, 5 liters, and 20 liters. The grades most used diesel engine oils are number SAE 40, SAE 15W-40, 
  2. Petrol Engine Oils. The next high volume selling lubricants products is petrol engine oil. The most used package of petrol engine oils is 1 liter, 4 liter, and 20 liters.
  3. Stroke Motorbike Engine. This is mainly used in motorcycles and try-cycles. The high-selling package for stroke motorbike engine oils is 1 liter.
  4.   Brake fluids. The next high-demand lubricant product is brake fluids. It plays a crucial role in vehicles. The most used package in Tanzania is 0.2 liters.

Five Start-Up Steps For Investors and Entrepreneurs

Don’t rush into the petrol station business; examine all aspects. You will save money if you go into this business methodically.

 Consider the following steps, and you will increase your chance of success.

Four steps will lay the ground for success.

1. Study the industry. Understand the fuel consumption, the foreseeable demand and supply within the industry, growth trends, and the top fuel providers in Tanzania. This encompasses their standing, market strategies, strengths, potential growth areas, and other metrics such as market share, annual growth rate, monthly/annual metrics

2. Customers and Competitors: Analyze the type of products your target customers wants in your trading area. Analyze competition and their customer behaviors

3. Government Agencies: Check out with all regulatory agencies for licenses and permits, their fees, steps, and procedures.

4.Lubircants Oils Providers: Find reliable lubricants providers who will supply you with high-quality products at competitive prices,

What are you building? Is it working?

It’s okay not to have all the answers. Let’s make good decisions together. Let’s build together.

Petrol Stations In Tanzania: Larger Investment Reaps Larger Profit

Petroleum is among one of the valuable natural resources available in Tanzania.

People everywhere use petroleum products as fuel in their vehicles, for industrial plants, and for domestic purposes.

Thus, makes petroleum products an essential commodity that is needed for the daily operation of individual, industrial, and national activities. Tanzania does not produce oil, so it is a net importer of all petroleum products for the servicing of the economy. Such petroleum products as diesel, petrol, and LPG.

Tanzania has registered steady petroleum product growth yearly, driven mainly by petrol, diesel, and LPG.

The consumption of petrol and diesel that are mostly distributed/sold through Petrol Stations has been increasing at an average rate of about 7% per year while petrol stations have been growing at almost the same average rate of about 8%.

What are the factors driving up the demand of fuel and petrol station? Where do the opportunities lie? Read on:  

1. Increasing the number of vehicles on the road.

There is an increase in buses on the road. According to the international energy agency, Tanzania has a large bus fleet.

Most important is the emerging mode of transportation. There are tricycles, or boda-boda, as everyone calls it, which have increased the demand for petroleum products in Tanzania.

Why is this an opportunity? Selecting suitable petrol site locations relative to pocket demand and enhancing ancillary services such as car wash will be essentials for petrol station owners and operators to grow their business as the market evolves.

2. Private sector logistics and transportation activities are on the rise in Tanzania.
Logistics and transportation companies are busy due to new development in mining, such as coal and natural gas exploration and agriculture activities.

Why is this an opportunity? On average, logistics and transport companies spend 40 percent of their budget on fuel costs. Having an agreement with transporters can support you to achieve your targeted fuel sales.

3.The government’s willingness and international investors to invest more in agriculture and fractures.

Tanzania has been rapidly developing over the past few years. This growth can be attributed to consistent public investment from the government and several sectors, including the construction, energy, finance, and agriculture sector.

For example, the Tanzania government has signed an agreement with the World Bank for a grant amounting to USD 4.5 million, which is set to help provide water to citizens.


Read also:Lubricants(Engine Oil): A Closer Look At a Competitive, Growing Market in Tanzania and Africa

Tanzania has been rapidly developing over the past few years. This growth can be attributed to consistent public investment from the government in several sectors ranging from the energy sector to advancement in the telecommunication and finance sector.
Why is this Opportunity? The investment in new projects will create thousands of employment and require the purchase and importation of vehicles specific to each industry, driving demand for automotive and industrial finished lubricants across many industry sectors and driving demand for diesel, petrol, and lubricants fuels.

4.Increase the use of generators. In most situations. We are lucky to have quick access to electricity from the power grid. But sometimes, we face situations where there is no power available. And that’s when generators come in handy.

Why is this opportunity? To copy with power failure, homeowners and businesses install standby generators to ensure they have steady power when the unexpected happens. All these generators run on diesel or petrol that you can set up in your own fuel station and get income selling it.

                                         Petrol Station Investment Costs In Tanzania

The cost of building the moderate Petrol Station consists of four main cost groups: civil work costs, mechanical work costs, electrical work costs, and safety & Security costs (mainly firefighting & lighting systems). Other costs include permits, license fees, fuel dispensing pumps, and underground storage tanks.  

A typical Petrol Station with a storage capacity of 2 storage tanks (20,000 liters petrol and 25,000 liters diesel) may cost between Tzsh 450 million to 1 billion.


                              Operating Expenses

There are also operating expenses, including labor costs, salary utility/electricity, water, and security,

How Much Do Petrol Stations Make?

It is very hard to determine how much you can make from the petrol station because it depends on the following factors: location, operation costs, electricity, labor costs, and fuel supply costs. But an average petrol station’s sales are about 2500liters to 6000liters per day.

Let’s do the math on that. The current profit margin is Tzs 108 per liter. So, if you sell 5000 liters a day will make you TZS 108 ×5000liters = TZS 540,000. In a month, you will have a profit margin of TZS 30 ×540,000 = TZS 16,200,000.That means you will be collecting Tzs16,200,000 per month.                         

             Reducing Petrol Station Risks and The Groundwork for Success.

1. Purchase and supply difference

The big financial risk in the Petrol station business is sales and purchase differences. You may buy diesel or petrol products when the price is high, but you must sell for less due to market conditions. And it can be vice versa too. So in the fuel business, you must observe the market very minutely, which is key to success.

2. Fuel price fluctuation.

Your finger must always be on the market pulse, and you must determine the rate fluctuation well in time. It will help you in buying and selling products. You must have a good stock of LPG when you smell the price is going to be high, and you must finish your stock quickly when you feel that the market is going the price is going to be down.

3. Buying

Product buying is also important. It would be best if you always tried to get a better buying price to offer a good price to the end consumer.

4. Handle logistics properly.

Your petrol station should be designed according to local standards. The Driver must be fully trained to drive the vehicle, and the petrol station operation vehicle must always avoid leakage or wastage during loading and offloading. 


Five Start-Up Steps For Investors

Don’t rush into the petrol station business; examine all aspects. You will save money if you go into this business methodically. Consider the following steps, and you will increase your chance of success.

Four steps will lay the ground for success.

1. Study the industry. Understand the fuel consumption, the foreseeable demand and supply within the industry, growth trends, and the top fuel providers in Tanzania. This encompasses their standing, market strategies, strengths, potential growth areas, and other metrics such as market share, annual growth rate, monthly/annual metrics

2. Location: Location is paramount to success. The amount of time and diligence you put into finding a suitable petrol station site location is 80% of whether you make it. Analyze competitors, type, and number of vehicles in your location. Also, analyze the accessibility and visibility of your site.

3. Government Agencies: Check out with all regulatory agencies for licenses and permits, their fees, steps, and procedures.

4. Fuel Providers: Find reliable fuel providers who will supply you with fuel at good rates.

What are you building?  Is it working?

It’s okay to not have all the answer. Let’s make goo decisions together. Let’s build together.  

The Limitation of Opinion, Rumor, Guesswork, And the Value of Factual Information(Facts) In Our Business Decisions.

It is tempting to believe that we can rely on opinion, rumor, and guesswork to make business decisions.

Of course, opinions, rumors, and guesswork are part of what informs our decisions.

Whenever we read articles in trade journals and newspapers and hear opinions from our colleagues and friends, we add one or more perspectives to our projects, endeavor and businesses.

This is a great way to expand our understanding and gain a broader perspective. I don’t want to suggest otherwise..

But I want to remind ourselves how little we can learn about our projects, business, and deals through opinion, rumor, and guesswork alone and how valuable hard facts(factual information) help us reduce the risk caused by poor decisions.

    The Fragment Perspective of Opinions, Rumors, News and Guesswork

A short time ago, the investors I know spent nearly Tzs 1 billion to build a drinking water bottling factory in Moshi, Tanzania, which according to a trade journal article he reads, was in great demand.

Not until he was ready to go into production did he discover that several companies were ahead of him and distributing the product at relatively low prices than he did. The market was saturated before his sell team could start selling his products.

This could not have happened had he checked all the facts before leaping into the stupid business situation.

There may be a substitute for hard facts and actual information, but if there is, I have yet to learn what it can be.

In order to succeed in any deal, project, or endeavor, businessmen must assemble all available facts and study and analyze them

Opinions from others, news in trade journals, and guesswork are still important. But the mistake lies in accepting and following opinions, guesswork, news, and rumors without determining if they back up by hard facts.

Once we have made sound decisions based on facts, we can implement the course whereby we will implement the decision

Energy Transition In Tanzania and Africa. Great Business Opportunities

When we think about energy transition, the temptation is to end using oil and gas(fossil fuels) altogether.

But with high demand for energy, Tanzania and Africa is balancing their energy mix. Because we know no economy can run with just wind and solar. Combination of many alternatives must be developed, and soon.

This presents ample opportunities for small and large companies to play roles in the energy transition journey in Tanzania and Africa while adding new revenue sources.

Many opportunities include manufacturing, distributing, installing solar panels, constructing wind turbines, and developing wind farms.

Furthermore, fuel such as liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) can facilitate the clean energy transition at the household level. Opportunities in  liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) will continue to flourish in the coming years.

Beyond these opportunities will be a tremendous demand for compressed natural gas(CNG) stations and electric vehicle charging stations.

Interest to Invest In Tanzanian Petrol Station Sector Remains Strong, Although Evolving Risks Could Dampen the Flow Of Investment

.Tanzania has registered steady yearly petroleum product growth driven mainly by petrol, diesel, and LPG.

Based on this growth, many investors, especially locals, have been gaining appetite to invest in retail petrol stations.

This is why Mr Hussein Boffu, founder of Tanzaniapetroleum.com, a consultancy agency that provides a comprehensive source of energy sector projects, business intelligence, and insights, believes that the interest to invest in Tanzania’s petrol sector remains strong.

“The rising number of petrol stations in the country, including the participation of first-time investors, indicate that retail petrol station represents an attractive and resilient investment. ”

“Look around your neighborhood, and you will discover many petrol stations in operation. And when you move around town, you will see more fuel petrol stations in operation or under construction,” Said Mr.Hussein Boffu

Mr. Boffu was of the view that investors struggle to see a way ahead to accelerate impacts on profit and people.

“Like any investment, the petrol station is subject to unforeseeable events and incidents that dramatically impact prosperity and profit. Due to their unpredictable nature, investors cannot prepare for these specific events.

But, through insights strategizing, and an open-minded approach, they can restructure their organization and practices in order to mitigate (or even take advantage of) the impact of such events.” Said Mr.Hussein Boffu

Mr Boffu added, “The second issue is the timely availability of affordable and suitable lands that can give an investor a high return on investment and achieve sustainable growth.”

“The other challenge is funding. Building sustainable petrol stations requires substantial capital investment, which may be the biggest stumbling for locals and foreign investors.” He remarked.



Opportunities in Energy: Uganda Current Projects, Market Analysis, and Trends.

With drilling now underway at the Lake Albert development project and the development of Total Energies-operated Tilenga project and Chinese state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC)- operated Kingfisher project, Uganda is fast becoming a hot spot for energy.

The Tilenga and Kingfisher developments, whose combined output is expected to reach 216,000 barrel per day and expected to help Uganda  to produces its first oil  in 2025.

East African crude oil pipeline(EACOP) will transport oils from oil fields located in Kabaale, Hoima, in Uganda, to Chongeleani Peninsular near Tanga port in Tanzania.

According to the SDG 7 Energy Progress Report, 2021, only 45% of Uganda’s population had access to electricity and 1%had access to clean cooking.

The country also presents ample opportunities in the power sector, especially in hydropower solar generation plants and liquefied petroleum gas(LPG).

With over 6.5 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. It is now believed that Uganda could be sitting on one of the biggest onshore oil reserves in sub-Saharan Africa,

Opportunities inTanzania’s Fuel Retail/Petrol Stations Market. Factors Driving Up Demand and Market Analysis

Petroleum is among one of the valuable natural resources available in Tanzania.

People everywhere use petroleum products as fuel in their vehicles, for industrial plants, and for domestic purposes.

Thus, makes petroleum products an essential commodity that is needed for the daily operation of individual, industrial, and national activities. Tanzania does not produce oil, so it is a net importer of all petroleum products for the servicing of the economy. Such petroleum products as diesel, petrol, and LPG.

Tanzania has registered steady petroleum product growth yearly, driven mainly by petrol, diesel, and LPG.

The consumption of petrol and diesel that are mostly distributed/sold through Petrol Stations has been increasing at an average rate of about 7% per year while petrol stations have been growing at almost the same average rate of about 8%.

What are the factors driving up the demand of fuel and petrol station? Where do the opportunities lie? Read on:  

1. Increasing the number of vehicles on the road.

There is an increase in buses on the road. According to the international energy agency, Tanzania has a large bus fleet.

Most important is the emerging mode of transportation. There are tricycles, or boda-boda, as everyone calls it, which have increased the demand for petroleum products in Tanzania.

Why is this an opportunity? Selecting suitable petrol site locations relative to pocket demand and enhancing ancillary services such as car wash will be essentials for petrol station owners and operators to grow their business as the market evolves.

2. Private sector logistics and transportation activities are on the rise in Tanzania.
Logistics and transportation companies are busy due to new development in mining, such as coal and natural gas exploration and agriculture activities.

Why is this an opportunity? On average, logistics and transport companies spend 40 percent of their budget on fuel costs. Having an agreement with transporters can support you to achieve your targeted fuel sales.

3.The government’s willingness and international investors to invest more in agriculture and fractures.

Tanzania has been rapidly developing over the past few years. This growth can be attributed to consistent public investment from the government and several sectors, including the construction, energy, finance, and agriculture sector.

For example, the Tanzania government has signed an agreement with the World Bank for a grant amounting to USD 4.5 million, which is set to help provide water to citizens.

Tanzania has been rapidly developing over the past few years. This growth can be attributed to consistent public investment from the government in several sectors ranging from the energy sector to advancement in the telecommunication and finance sector.
Why is this Opportunity? The investment in new projects will create thousands of employment and require the purchase and importation of vehicles specific to each industry, driving demand for automotive and industrial finished lubricants across many industry sectors and driving demand for diesel, petrol, and lubricants fuels.

4.Increase the use of generators. In most situations. We are lucky to have quick access to electricity from the power grid. But sometimes, we face situations where there is no power available. And that’s when generators come in handy.

Why is this opportunity? To copy with power failure, homeowners and businesses install standby generators to ensure they have steady power when the unexpected happens. All these generators run on diesel or petrol that you can set up in your own fuel station and get income selling it.