Entries by Tanzania Petroleum

Race For Mozambique LNG Market and New Opportunities has Well and Truly Begun

Last week, I had the pleasure to attend the first virtual Mozambique’s energy event organized by IN-VR. The event provides updates on current status, targets, projects, plans, Fiscal incentives and policies. For those of you who couldn’t make the entire event, here was the event summary. 1.Eni-Exxon Mobil-led 15.2 MTPA Rovuma LNG projects are expected […]

Mozambique’s first charity Oil & Gas event goes online

IN-VR is organising the Mozambique Oil & Gas Energy Online Summit , taking place completelyonline. All the profits will be donated to Afrilanthropy supporting their initiative to providemasks, gloves and necessities to Mozambicans in need.The online summit will take place on June 19th 2020, focusing on Mozambique’s plans in thecurrent oil price landscape, how COVID-19 […]

Tanzania’s Mnazi Bay Gas Output to Rise

Mnazi Bay production will increase for the rest of the year, following the end of the rainy season. Wentworth Resources, a partner in the Tanzanian gas development, expects production to be 65-75 million cubic feet (1.84-2.12 million cubic metres) per day in 2020. Output over the first five months was 58.2 mmcf (1.65 mcm) per […]

Here’s Why Uganda is the Hottest Onshore Exploration Frontier in the World and the Country to Watch in the Oil and Gas Sector in 2020 and Beyond

With over 6.5 billion barrel of proven oil reserves. It is now believed that Uganda could be sitting on one of the biggest onshore oil reserves in sub-Saharan Africa, suggesting foreign interest in the sector will likely remain strong for a good many years. And the country set to become one of the five largest […]

Could Tanzania and Mozambique’s Thriving Gas Sector Help China and India Exist Coal?

There has been a series of world-class natural gas discoveries in deepwater off Tanzania and Mozambique in the last 10 years. Exploration success has raised Tanzania’s profile as a potential supplier of LNG to Asian markets, along with neighboring Mozambique.  With over 214 trillion cubic feet(tcf) of proven natural gas reserves – East Africa has […]

“The Industry and People Need Radical Change to Ensure Energy Sustainability”- Dr. Abdul Halim

In this exclusive chat, Dr. Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff, Head, Centre for Subsurface Seismic Imaging (CSI) at University Technology PETRONAS in Malaysia. Offers best practice on the current oil price volatility, the best collaboration strategies to address skills shortage primarily in East Africa. And he offers insight onon the type of soft skills set required […]

History of Oil Exploration in Uganda

The East African Rift System became an exploration hotspot following prolific exploration success in the Lake Albert Rift Basin from 2006 to the present day. Conventional wisdom and paradigms have been challenged and overcome by the discoveries in this basin and the question now asked by many explorationists is ‘where is the next Lake Albert?’ […]

How Downstream Petroleum Products Business Work In Tanzania and East Africa

Despite the growing oil price volatility and tightening margin in today’s downstream petroleum products business. The demand for petroleum products is growing at a rapid pace in the country. No matter how much is imported, more oil is needed to support the ever-growing population and support continued economic development primarily in Tanzania and generally in […]