Entries by Abraham Adekunle

Here’s How You Can Win a Huge Contract from Big Oil companies In Uganda-Tanzania Oil Pipeline Project

You read the title right. I am not talking about winning small contracts such as offering catering services, security services, or feeding pipeline workers in the site camp. I will explain how to win huge jobs that have bigger rewards and will make you grow bigger. Sometimes overnight. These include engineering construction jobs, welding and […]

[eBook] Discounts: The Complete Guide to Starting a Petrol Station Business in Tanzania

Drumroll, please. Because this is yet another brutally honest jab. Recently, I heard someone, who wanted to register for an agric program that will fetch him millions per year, say, “I thought I’m going to make millions. Remove the registration fee from it.” You laughed, right? Please, don’t. You may be laughing at your mirrored […]