Oil and Gas in Tanzania: A Story Yet to Be Written

You see, the best stories are the ones you don’t see coming—the ones that are unfolding right before your eyes, yet no one’s paying attention. That’s Tanzania today. A country that’s sitting on untapped potential, waiting for the right minds, the right hands, and the right vision to unlock it.

I’m talking about oil and gas.

Now, oil and gas—those words have been around for ages. They’ve powered industries, changed economies, and created empires. But Tanzania’s story? It’s still in the making, still waiting for its time in the spotlight. And here’s the thing: most people don’t even know it yet.

The Missed Opportunity No One Sees

Right now, Tanzania’s energy landscape is a lot like that first iPhone prototype. It’s raw, unrefined, but the potential? It’s explosive. There’s 57 trillion cubic feet of natural gas lying beneath the surface, and much of it is offshore. It’s like a vast untapped source of energy and wealth, and yet, it’s hidden. Not just from the world—but from many people right here in Tanzania.

The demand for energy is skyrocketing across Africa. Cities are growing, industries are being built, and millions of homes need power. Tanzania could provide that energy. It could be the power source for its neighbors, for the continent, and for itself. But people are still asking: Why haven’t we fully tapped into this yet?

Let me tell you why. Because no one has shown them the possibilities.

The iPhone Moment for Tanzania’s Energy Sector

Back in 2007, people didn’t know they needed a smartphone that could fit the internet in their pocket, play music, and let them make calls all at the same time. They didn’t know until it was in their hands.

Tanzania’s oil and gas sector is at the brink of that kind of iPhone moment. It’s a sector no one thought much about, but once people start to see what’s possible, everything changes. And here’s where it gets exciting: the real opportunity isn’t just in extracting the gas and selling it. That’s the obvious part. The real opportunity is in reshaping Tanzania’s future—how it powers itself, how it develops its industries, and how it positions itself as a regional leader.

Imagine the possibilities. Local industries powered by natural gas, cutting the costs of electricity and making Tanzanian products more competitive on the world stage. Homes lit up by a clean, reliable energy source that doesn’t stop every time the grid falters. Entire cities, connected by pipelines and infrastructure, fueled by resources right under their feet.

It’s not just about finding the gas. It’s about creating the future Tanzania deserves.

The People Who Will Change Everything

The people who will make this happen are not just government leaders or big corporations. They’re people like you and me. Entrepreneurs, local businesses, innovators. The visionaries who see the gap, the potential, the possibility.

There’s room for partnerships with the government to build new pipelines, refineries, and distribution networks. There’s room for innovators to figure out how to make natural gas more accessible, affordable, and practical for the average Tanzanian. There’s room for local entrepreneurs to enter a market that’s still in its infancy and shape it in ways no one else is thinking about.

When we launched the iPhone, we didn’t just give people a better phone. We gave them an entirely new way to experience the world. That’s what’s at stake here. Tanzania’s oil and gas sector isn’t just an industry waiting to be tapped—it’s a chance to reshape how the country powers itself, and in doing so, change everything.

The Road Ahead.

So here’s the future as I see it. Tanzania, powered by its own resources, leading East Africa in energy independence. Entrepreneurs and local businesses, partnering with multinationals to create infrastructure that’s smarter, more efficient, and more reliable. And a whole generation of Tanzanians realizing that they’re not just sitting on natural gas—they’re sitting on the future.

This story is unfolding right now. And those who see it—those who understand the potential—will be the ones who write the next chapter.

Because at the end of the day, the best innovations aren’t the ones you ask for. They’re the ones you didn’t even know you needed. Until suddenly, they’re in front of you. And you can’t imagine how you lived without them.

Welcome to the future of oil and gas in Tanzania.


Hussein Boffu runs a consultancy helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals through business planning and consultancy support. Would you like to reach out to him? Contact him via email at hussein.boffu@tanzaniapetroleum.com or by calling, texting, or WhatsApp at +255(0)655376543.