Training Course: LPG Product Knowledge and Market Structure. Get Ahead In LPG Business




  1. Overview

Tanzania’s population and indeed the rest of Africa, continues to grow year on year and this has continued to put excessive pressure as well as adverse impact on the environment.  The growth in population in turn continued to increase the demand of cooking energy, which is mostly derived from biomass (firewood and charcoal). In the recent years, it is evident that biomass access is becoming increasingly scarce at an unprecedented rate due to continuous decrease of forests (deforestation) due to trees cutting to produce biomass. In addition, biomass usage generates health diseases especially respiratory and therefore reducing the life expectancy of many people living in rural areas where the use of biomass is predominant.


We all understand the adverse effects of deforestation, which cause climate changes that lead to catastrophic consequences such as drought, floods, storms/hurricanes etc. There is therefore an urgent need to reverse the ongoing deforestation through provision of alternative cooking energy sources and efficient use of energy through technology improvement of for example, cooking stoves. One of the alternative cooking energy source that helps to eliminate or reduce the health and environmental effects from use of biomass is the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).


However, provision of alternative energy sources and improvement of technology may not by themselves succeed without provision of extensive awareness and knowledge (education) to the involved stakeholders in the entire supply chain especially those who distribute and advocate such sources of clean cooking energy to the final consumers. LPG is relatively a new source of cooking energy not only in Tanzania but also in many Sub-Saharan African countries but its consumption has been growing exponentially (e.g in Tanzania the average growth is about 15%). Based on this growth, it is important that, the involved stakeholders are educated to ensure the supply chain and market structure of this product is sustainable in terms of growth and safety.


This Training Profile therefore, describes the key Training areas that will help to provide appropriate awareness and knowledge to those involved in the LPG supply chain.


  1. Objectives

The objective of this Outline Paper is to provide clarity to individuals who will be interested to attend LPG Product Knowledge Training provided by SAROJOAH Enterprise Company Limited (SECOL) in partnership with Tanzania Petroleum Company.


  1. What You Will learn? ( Scope)

The scope of LPG Product Knowledge Training involves; Source and production of LPG, Key properties of LPG, Types of LPG, Uses of LPG, Difference between LPG and Natural Gas, LPG Storage & Handling Equipment, Safety Management in LPG business,  Market structure of LPG and Regulatory Framework.


  1. Training Methodology

The training is provided through face-to-face meeting at selected places and venues. The training involves Power Point Presentation; answering questions asked by participants and may involve simple test exercises. The time coverage for the Training is 2 hours and is conducted on either Saturday morning or afternoon or Sunday afternoon. The Training will be conducted if there are at least 10 people in given period depending on registration.


  1. Targeted Groups & Benefits

This Training is designed to provide awareness and knowledge to any person interested in LPG business especially LPG Marketing Companies (LMCs) employees, LPG Super-dealers, LPG Dealers, Regulators, business people intending to start LPG business, fresh graduates intending to work in Oil & Gas industry etc.


It is expected that, the participants who are already in LPG business activities will acquire a knowledge that can improve their work skills and productivity. On the other hand, fresh graduates will benefit from acquiring pre-knowledge in LPG industry that can help them to get internship and even employment in the Oil & Gas industry especially LPG companies and Regulatory Authorities such as EWURA and other related government institutions.


  1. How to make payment

A person who wants to attend the Training will be required to pay TZS 200,000 per person per one (1) Training session and will be provided with the Training Attendance Certificate after the Training.


Training Fees need to be paid prior to attending the Training either through TIGO-PESA (+255 655376543) or through our company Bank Account: EQUITY BANK – 3008211758203 (NIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES).


Once your payment is done, send an SMS to +255768183677 or +255655376543 with the following details:

  • Your full name.
  • Your email address.

Alternatively, send an email with the above details to

For enquires call or whatsapp +255(0)655376543 or email me on to



  1. Trainer’s Profile

The Trainer of this Training is Eng. Amos J.Mwansumbule who by profession is a Chemical & Process Engineer with extensive technical and management expertise. Eng. Amos has more than 23 years of experience having worked in both private and public sectors.

He worked in various positions (including senior) with multinational, giant and leading oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell and Caltex/Chevron for a total of 12 years as well as Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) as Head of Commercial responsible for the segment of Downstream Oil & Gas sub-sector. He also worked with a leading Container Shipping Company called “Maersk Line” and is currently the Corporate Business Advisor of Taifa Gas Company that operates in East Africa and head quartered in Tanzania.

In 2020, Eng.Amos trained more than 1,500 LPG Dealers in all Tanzania regions (except Simiyu) on LPG product knowledge, LPG regulatory framework and Safety Management. He also authored a book titled “IJUE BIASHARA YA GESI YA KUPIKIA MAJUMBANI (LPG)” that was reviewed and endorsed by various LPG regulatory institutions including EWURA.

Hussein Boffu runs a consultancy helping elite entrepreneurs reach their goals through actionable business planning. Contact him via email at or by calling, texting, or WhatsApp at +255(0)655376543.