5 Things Top Oil and Gas Speakers Do Well And Why You Should Do Them Well Too

Back in the days, I wanted to be a great oil and gas speaker. But I could never find a place where I could learn to deliver a good presentation in the oil and gas space.

I reached out to Mark LaCour, my favorite oil and gas speaker of all the time. He then advised me on some ways to give great oil and gas presentations.

His input was simple. “Hussein if your intention is to deliver a great presentation you should master the art of storytelling. That’s because a good speaker tells an interesting story”.

I wondered if someone can use stories to give a presentation in a high high-tech niche like oil and gas industry. I turned to him and ask to send me some of his oil and gas presentations. I was amazed when I received the presentation.

The slides had no texts. No bullets.

The first slide had headlines with 140 characters (a twitter like headlines) entitled “Trillion Dollar Data Brawl”. It grabbed my attention as I read it.
The remaining slides were almost all pictures.
Mark told me that, a good oil and gas speakers do not read aloud a PowerPoint slide deck. They use stories, graphs, and images to engage the audience members.

If you are an oil and gas speaker or planning to, you should be aware of some qualities the best oil and gas speakers have in common:

1. They have a burning message.
Top oil and gas speakers do not speak for recognition or praise. They speak because they have a good message and want to share it with the people.

They feel that they have something of value to share with the audience. The best oil and gas speakers deliver amazing presentation because they passionate about their topics.

Read also:   How To Choose The Right Oil and Gas Speaker For Your Next Event

And they are keen to share the passion with their audiences member. And that’s their great motive. If you have been following us on our website for a while, you know that we love what we do.

We are excited about the oil and gas industry. And this website becomes a platform to share that passion.

2. They engage an audience.

The best oil and gas speakers use charts, pictures, and stories to add value to the audiences.

They have intense believe that people remember numbers than text.

Furthermore, they also know another thing people remember more than a number is stories.

They tell stories in each presentation even in the dry topic such as “ 10 Oil and Gas Trend To Watch In 2019”.

Many oil and gas presentation include data. So using graphs or stories is the best way to make this data visual and show the relationship.

3. They learn.
The best oil presenters never stop learning. They continually improve their speaking skills. They spend some hours each day to learn something new about speaking.

They read textbooks, they listen to podcasts and watch video from the other oil and gas speakers. They also attend industry events and conferences to meet and learn from the top oil and gas speakers. They observe how other oil and gas presenters talk, move and interact with audiences.

4. Practice
Preparation is a mark of all successful oil and gas speakers. The best speakers spend hours practicing and rehearsing   their speech before they come into the stage. They review and practice each point in their presentations even if they have given the similar talk many times before. They always do not trust experience. They also ask feedback from their colleagues and friends.

5. Simplification:

Most oil and gas speakers feel that using complex and technical jargon will make them sounds competent. But the best oil and gas speakers use simple words and phrases that even if they speak with industry insiders. Simplification is the best way to make your presentation memorable.

Do you want to become the best oil and gas speakers? If you answer Yes, then you should do what other oil and gas speakers. To deliver effective oil and gas presentation requires planning, practice, and hard work. There are no shortcuts for the effective oil and gas presentation.

Here are two major things all top oil and gas speakers have in common.

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at Hussein.boffu@tanzaniapetroleum.com or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.