Who Else Want To Double Income and Make Large Profit Margin In Oil and Gas In Tanzania

Are you want to double your earning in the next 12 months? Are you rack brain for perfect business opportunities in Tanzania?

If you answer yes to everything above, then why not make money oil and gas sector?

The oil and gas demand in Tanzania is growing at a quick rate. But a little professional knowledge about oil and gas sector. You can become on your way to a profitable oil and gas business.

No matter who you are or your status. The perfect opportunity is just waiting for you.

So you want to double your earning from oil and gas? Then sell something. The only way to make money in the oil and gas is to sell something. Got it?

And the only two things you can sell is a product and a service. Nothing more to those facts.

So what if you don’t have products to sell? Simple. Just sell someone product and earn a commission. Simple as that

Now I want to toss you is the idea that you can increase earning in the Tanzania Petroleum industry.

Become facilitator
Open your eyes and research items that are selling fast in Tanzania oil and gas sector.In this case, take Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as an example.

Are these safety shoes, gloves are selling fast in Tanzania? If you discovered yes. Go online or even google whatever you want to do. And make a list of both local and international companies offering PPE.

Once you are done, Kickstart visit company offices and ask them to be representative of their products. Now after that go out, and use all marketing skills you can master to introduce your items to your highly target clients.

Make sure you agree with them to give you some percent for each purchase is made. Many international companies are keen to expand the market in Tanzania. With a good approach, you are smile to your bank

Still Confusing, Let me give one more example. Do you know Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) also is called cooking gas (gas to cook your food) or simply GAS as everyone call it. Is one of the fast selling items in Tanzania.

So, if you don’t have start -up money to buy cylinders. Go and find a local dealer, negotiate a deal. You find a customer who needs to refill their cylinders. You deliver your customer with gas and earn a commission.


Read also:How-to-start-cooking-gas-distribution-business-In-Tanzania.

This might be stressful as you start. But once your business starts growing. You will have tons of customers. You can do the same way and sell those petroleum products such as diesel, kerosene petrol, and even lubricant.

If you are starting out with minimal capital, This is the best way to earn excellent money without investing a cent.

2:Start with frustration
I’ve told you before, but I’m still going to tell you. You want people to give you their hard earned money. Although that is important, about their money. What do problem people have in oil and gas sector?

If you say to me the problem is employment. So what problem do people have finding a job in the oil and gas sector? Is it
that there’s no job? Or because their CV isn’t professional? Or that they lack work experience? What do problem oil and gas company face

List everything out on a piece of paper. Make a list of all problems. And brainstorm on the solutions toward that problem.
That’s all I have to say for now.

The question of the hour is:

What do you have to sell to them? What products or services do you sell? Leave your comment below.

Or just  email me at Hussein.boffu@tanzaniapetroleum.com.      I read all emails.

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at Hussein.boffu@tanzaniapetroleum.com or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.