How to Avoid Costly Mistakes When Choosing a Petrol Station Location in Tanzania

Investing in a petrol station in Tanzania can be a lucrative venture, but making the wrong decision on location can turn your investment into a costly mistake.

Many entrepreneurs underestimate the importance of a proper location assessment before they break ground, and as a result, they face challenges like low sales, high competition, and slow returns on investment.

In this post, we’ll explore some common mistakes investors make when choosing a petrol station location and how you can avoid them with the right feasibility study. Let’s dive into how you can safeguard your investment and ensure your petrol station thrives from day one.

The High Stakes of Location Selection.

The location of your petrol station is the single most important factor that will determine your success. Yet, many investors rush into choosing a site based on gut feeling or superficial factors like visibility or land price. While these are important, they don’t tell the whole story.

To make the best decision, you need to know:

  • How much traffic flows through the area?
  • What types of vehicles dominate the traffic?
  • Who are your competitors and how strong are they?
  • What infrastructure is necessary to handle demand at that location?

Without solid answers to these questions, you’re gambling with your investment.

Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make with Petrol Station Locations

  1. Overestimating Traffic Without Hard Data

One of the most common mistakes is assuming that any busy-looking road will automatically translate into high fuel sales. But not all traffic is created equal. You need accurate data on how many vehicles pass through and the types of vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, etc.) to estimate fuel demand effectively.

Traffic flow during different times of day, week, or season can vary significantly, and relying on guesswork or informal observations can lead to big miscalculations.

  1. Ignoring Competitor Strength

Too often, investors overlook the strength and presence of competitors. If there are established petrol stations nearby, especially ones with loyal customers, competitive pricing, or additional services (like super market or car washes), you’ll need to know how to position yourself to compete effectively.

Ignoring competitors’ strengths and market share can leave your station struggling to capture traffic, even in a high-traffic area.

  1. Underestimating Infrastructure Requirements

Infrastructure requirements vary from location to location. The number of pumps, the flow rate, and the size of your storage tanks need to be carefully calculated based on expected traffic volume and fuel demand at that site.

Choosing a location without considering the right infrastructure can lead to long wait times, frustrated customers, and ultimately lower sales. Or worse, you may overspend on infrastructure that the location doesn’t even require, eating into your profits.

  1. Failing to Accurately Project Investment Costs

Some investors jump into a petrol station project without fully understanding the total investment needed to make it operational. Aside from land acquisition and construction, you need to consider equipment costs, licenses, permits, and initial fuel stock. Plus, there are ongoing operating costs that will affect your break-even point and ROI.

Without an accurate projection of these costs, you risk running out of funds before the station can even open, or taking much longer to recoup your investment than anticipated.

The Solution: On-Site Feasibility Study That Delivers Real Insights.

To avoid these common mistakes, you need more than just a quick glance at the location—you need real, on-the-ground data. That’s where our on-site feasibility study comes in. We’ve developed a service that gives you the essential insights you need, without the unnecessary complexity of traditional studies.

Here’s how we help you avoid costly mistakes and make a confident decision about your petrol station location:

  1. Traffic Count and Vehicle Type Analysis

We conduct a real-time traffic count at your chosen location. This isn’t based on general estimates or old data; we visit the site and count the exact number of vehicles passing through, breaking it down by vehicle type. This gives you an accurate prediction of fuel demand, specific to your location.

  1. Competitor Analysis

We study the competition around your location—how many stations are nearby, how busy they are, their pricing strategies, and customer behavior. By understanding your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, you can identify opportunities to differentiate and capture market share.

  1. Sales Volume Projection

Using traffic data and competitor analysis, we estimate your station’s projected sales volume for both petrol and diesel. This gives you a clear idea of how much fuel you can expect to sell and whether the location can support your financial goals.

  1. Infrastructure Recommendations

We provide tailored recommendations on the infrastructure you’ll need to handle the expected traffic—number of pumps, flow rates, and storage capacity. This ensures you’re not over- or under-investing in critical infrastructure.

  1. Investment Costs, Break-Even, and ROI

Our feasibility study also includes an estimate of your total investment costs, as well as a calculation of your break-even point and return on investment. You’ll know exactly when you can expect to start turning a profit and how much you need to sell to cover your costs.

Why This Approach Works

Our fast, on-the-ground feasibility study is built on three core principles:

Speed: You’ll receive your feasibility report within 72 hours of our on-site visit, allowing you to make decisions quickly and keep your project moving forward.

Simplicity: We deliver a clear, 1-page report with only the data you need to make a confident decision. No confusing technical jargon, no overwhelming statistics—just the critical insights.

Real-World Data: Our traffic counts, competitor analysis, and infrastructure recommendations are based on real conditions at your chosen location, not theoretical models.

Conclusion: Don’t Risk It—Assess Your Location with Confidence.

Choosing the wrong petrol station location can cost you time, money, and stress. But with our fast and simple feasibility study, you don’t have to rely on guesswork. We provide you with real-world data and clear insights that allow you to make informed decisions about your investment.

Ready to avoid costly mistakes and choose a winning location for your petrol station? Contact us today to book your on-site feasibility study and receive your report in just 72 hours.



Hussein Boffu runs a consultancy helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals through business planning and consultancy support. Would you like to reach out to him? Contact him via email at or by calling, texting, or WhatsApp at +255(0)655376543.