How to Start an Industrial Gas Supply Business in Tanzania


The industrial gas supply sector plays a pivotal role across multiple industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and energy. In Tanzania, the demand for industrial gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and acetylene is rising rapidly.

This growth is fueled by the expansion of healthcare facilities, increased industrial activities, and advancements in technology. Specifically, the healthcare sector has driven the demand for oxygen, as hospitals and clinics require a consistent supply for patient care, particularly in surgical and emergency situations.

Tanzania’s economy has shown a steady growth trajectory, with substantial investments in manufacturing, mining, and healthcare. As these industries expand, the demand for industrial gases used in production processes, welding, and energy generation continues to climb.

According to a report by the African Development Bank, Tanzania is expected to experience continued industrial growth through 2025. This presents a significant opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to establish an industrial gas supply business in the country.

In addition, the Tanzanian government’s commitment to improving healthcare and industrial capabilities is fostering an environment conducive to the growth of the industrial gas supply industry.

The country is also witnessing a surge in manufacturing activities, which further propels the need for gases like nitrogen, used extensively in various applications, including food preservation and chemical processes. Businesses can capitalize on this burgeoning market by establishing a robust supply chain for industrial gases, particularly focusing on oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and acetylene.

Choosing the Right Business Model: Direct Sales vs. Subscription-Based

Selecting the appropriate business model is critical to the success of your industrial gas supply venture. In Tanzania, two business models stand out: direct sales and subscription-based services. Each model offers unique advantages and challenges that must be carefully considered.

Direct Sales Model

The Direct Sales Model involves selling industrial gases directly to customers, such as manufacturers, healthcare facilities, and food processing companies.

This model allows businesses to establish strong relationships with clients and provides an opportunity for direct customer feedback, which can be instrumental in improving products and services. Additionally, by eliminating intermediaries, companies can enjoy increased profit margins and strengthen customer loyalty through personalized service.


– Direct Customer Feedback: Access to customer insights helps in refining product offerings and addressing specific needs.

– Higher Profit Margins: By bypassing distributors, businesses can retain a larger share of the revenue.

– Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Personalized service fosters long-term relationships with clients, increasing repeat business.


– High Initial Investment: Setting up a robust logistics and distribution network requires substantial capital.

– Limited Market Reach: Without intermediaries, it can be challenging to penetrate distant or less accessible markets.

– Volatile Revenue Stream: Dependence on a smaller customer base may lead to fluctuations in income.

Subscription-Based Model

The Subscription-Based Model provides clients with a regular supply of industrial gases at a fixed rate, offering both stability and predictability. This model can enhance customer retention and ensure a steady revenue stream. By signing long-term contracts with clients, businesses can secure their cash flow and reduce the risks associated with market volatility.


– Predictable Revenue The subscription fees provide a stable and forecastable income.

– Customer Retention: Ongoing service agreements increase customer loyalty and reduce churn.

– Simplified Operations: Subscription models simplify inventory management and make demand forecasting easier.


– Client Acquisition: Convincing new clients to adopt a subscription format can be difficult, particularly in markets accustomed to pay-as-you-go models.

– Commitment Risks: Long-term contracts may overcommit resources, especially if client needs change unexpectedly.

– Price Sensitivity: Fluctuations in the cost of raw materials could impact the profitability of fixed-rate subscriptions.

Products and Services: Tailoring Offerings to Diverse Industries

A successful industrial gas supply business in Tanzania should offer a comprehensive range of products tailored to meet the needs of various industries. The core products include oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and acetylene, which are essential in sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, and food processing.

  1. Oxygen: Vital for healthcare facilities, oxygen is used in medical procedures, respiratory therapies, and life support systems. In the industrial sector, it supports combustion processes and is utilized in metal cutting and welding.
  2. Nitrogen: Widely used in the food processing industry for preservation and in manufacturing for creating inert atmospheres during chemical processes.


  1. Argon: This gas is essential in welding and metal fabrication, providing an inert atmosphere to protect against oxidation and other reactions that could compromise material integrity.


  1. Acetylene: Primarily used in welding and cutting applications, acetylene is crucial for industries that require precise and high-temperature flame cutting.

Target Audience:

– Manufacturing Companies: These businesses require a consistent supply of industrial gases for various production processes, including welding, cutting, and chemical synthesis.

– Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals and clinics need medical-grade gases like oxygen for patient care, anesthesia, and other critical medical applications.

– Food Processing Industries: Nitrogen is particularly important in this sector for food preservation, packaging, and creating controlled atmospheres during storage and transportation.

Setting Up the Business: Key Steps to Success

Establishing an industrial gas supply business in Tanzania requires careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps to guide you through the process:


  1. Market Research and Feasibility Study: Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for industrial gases in different sectors. A feasibility study will help assess the financial viability of the business, including startup costs, potential revenue, and profitability.


  1. Business Plan Development: A well-crafted business plan should outline your business model, target market, marketing strategies, operational plan, and financial projections. It serves as a roadmap for your business and is essential when seeking financing from investors or banks.


  1. Regulatory Compliance: Familiarize yourself with the regulatory requirements for the industrial gas supply business in Tanzania. This includes obtaining necessary licenses, permits, and adhering to safety and environmental regulations.


  1. Sourcing and Supply Chain Management: Identify reliable suppliers for the raw materials required to produce industrial gases. Establish a robust supply chain to ensure a steady and uninterrupted flow of gases to your customers.


  1. Infrastructure and Equipment: Invest in the necessary infrastructure, such as gas production facilities, storage tanks, and transportation vehicles. Ensure that all equipment meets industry standards and complies with safety regulations.


  1. Marketing and Sales Strategy: Develop a marketing strategy to promote your products and services to potential customers. This could include direct sales, digital marketing, partnerships with distributors, and participation in industry trade shows.


  1. Customer Support and After-Sales Service: Provide excellent customer service to build strong relationships with your clients. Offering after-sales support, such as maintenance services and emergency deliveries, can differentiate your business from competitors.

Risks and Challenges: Navigating the Industrial Gas Market in Tanzania

While the industrial gas supply business in Tanzania presents lucrative opportunities, it also comes with its own set of risks and challenges. Understanding and mitigating these risks is crucial to the long-term success of your business.

  1. Competition: The industrial gas market in Tanzania is competitive, with established players dominating the industry. New entrants must differentiate themselves through superior service, competitive pricing, and innovative offerings.


  1. Regulatory Challenges: Compliance with Tanzanian regulations, including safety and environmental laws, can be complex and costly. Failure to comply can result in fines, legal issues, or shutdowns.


  1. Economic Fluctuations: The demand for industrial gases is closely tied to the performance of key sectors such as manufacturing and healthcare. Economic downturns or fluctuations can impact demand, affecting your business’s profitability.


  1. Supply Chain Disruptions: The industrial gas supply chain can be vulnerable to disruptions due to geopolitical issues, transportation challenges, or shortages of raw materials. These disruptions can lead to delays in delivery and increased costs.


  1. Environmental Concerns: The production and use of industrial gases have environmental impacts, including carbon emissions. Increasing regulatory scrutiny on environmental sustainability may require additional investments in green technologies and practices.

 Conclusion: Building a Sustainable and Profitable Business

Starting an industrial gas supply business in Tanzania offers significant opportunities, driven by the country’s growing industrial sector and increasing demand for essential gases. However, success in this competitive market requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a commitment to excellence in service delivery.

By choosing the right business model, offering a diverse range of products, and navigating the risks associated with the industry, you can establish a sustainable and profitable business that meets the needs of Tanzania’s rapidly evolving economy. As the country continues to invest in healthcare, manufacturing, and infrastructure, the industrial gas supply sector is poised for growth, making this an opportune time to enter the market.

Hussein Boffu runs a consultancy helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals through business planning and consultancy support. Would you like to reach out to him? Contact him via email at or by calling, texting, or WhatsApp at +255(0)655376543.