Six LPG Business Opportunities: Profiting From Helping People Cook Without Smoke In Tanzania and Africa

Tanzania and Africa are amid the largest cooking energy transition to date. 

For example, Tanzania’s annual LP gas consumption grew from 5,500 metric tonnes in 2005 to 217,149 in 2022.

By 2028, other landlocked countries such as Rwanda, Eastern DRC, Zambia, Malawi, Burundi, and Uganda will have a good share of LPG sourcing from Tanzania. The demand is also likely to increase even further. This presents ample opportunities for builders.

People who want to create and lead through building new LPG businesses, projects, companies, products, and services.

Six LPG Investment and business opportunities in Tanzania or Africa

There are several profitable business opportunities in Tanzania’s LPG sector. Here are a ideas:

1. LPG Distribution: Start a business that focuses on distributing LPG cylinders and related equipment to households, businesses, and industries. You can establish a network of distribution points and build partnerships with LPG suppliers.

2. LPG Retail: Set up retail outlets where customers can buy LPG cylinders, accessories, and cooking appliances. This can be done in urban areas or in areas with limited LPG access. Consider offering additional services like refilling, maintenance, and repairs.

3. LPG Conversion: Offer conversion services for vehicles from traditional fuels to LPG. This could target taxis, buses, and other commercial vehicles. As LPG is known for being more environmentally friendly and cost-effective, there is potential demand for such services.

4. LPG Infrastructure Development: Invest in infrastructure development, such as building LPG filling stations and storage facilities. This can supply LPG to retailers, industries, and large-scale consumers like hotels and restaurants.

5. LPG Cylinder Manufacturing/Refurbishment: Establish a facility for manufacturing or refurbishing LPG cylinders. This can help meet the growing demand for cylinders or provide cost-effective solutions for reusing and maintaining existing ones.

6. LPG Safety and Training: Start a business focused on providing safety training and equipment to LPG users. This can include educating customers on safe handling, storage, and usage of LPG, as well as supplying safety accessories like regulators and gas detectors.

Remember, before starting any business, it is essential to conduct thorough market research, understand the regulatory framework, and assess the competition in the LPG sector in Tanzania.

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.