Pre-Investment Study For Petrol Station In Tanzania

Tanzania has registered steady petroleum product growth yearly, driven mainly by petrol, diesel, and LPG. Based on this growth, many investors, especially local ones, have been gaining appetite to invest in Retail petrol stations. Still, some have needed help to obtain preliminary information on the business for appropriate decision-making simply because getting crucial high-level information from one source point has been challenging.


Preparing this investment profile aims to provide high-level information and insights on the required investment to investors who wish to invest in Petrol Station facilities in Tanzania so they can have preliminary information for appropriate early investment decision-making.


This profile covers the general regulatory framework in the petroleum products business, market structure, petroleum products regulatory framework, importation/supply, storage and distribution through retail outlets or petrol stations, number of players in the market, petroleum products and petrol stations growth trends, and pricing mechanism. 

It also covers estimating investment in petrol stations with crucial equipment and devices, applicable codes and standards, and required permits for constructing Petrol Stations.

Get the Full Version Now

In the full version, you will have access to the following table of contents:

  1. LPG Regulatory Framework in Tanzania.
  2. Petroleum Products Business Regulatory Framework in Tanzania.
  3.  Petroleum Products Market Structure in Tanzania(include importation, petrol station, and products Consumption, key players, pricing Structure, growth trends).
  4.  Existing Opportunities in Petrol Stations Investment in Tanzania.
  5.  Petrol Stations Investment Cost Structure in Tanzania(This includes civil work costs, mechanical work costs, electrical work costs, and safety & Security costs (mainly firefighting & lighting systems and equipment). 
  6.  Moderate Petrol Station Layout Sample with three petroleum products Storage tanks as per EWURA Requirement.
  7.  Required permits in petrol stations construction and Operation in Tanzania(This include required permits, licenses, approvals, timelines, agencies procedures, and costs).
  8.  Key Codes & Standards. 

For the complete LPG investment profile in Tanzania, make a payment of $ 299 Tgo pesa, M-pesa to this number: +255655376543. or direct through our company account.

Once your payment is done, send an SMS to +255768183677 or +255655376543 with the following details:

  • Your full name.
  • Your email address.

Alternatively, send an email with the above details to The eBook will be delivered to your email address (in PDF) within fifteen minutes when we receive your email or SMS and confirm your payment.

You can then download it and read it on your smartphone or computer.

If you’re not in Tanzania, email us via, and we will devise a payment option for you.



Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.