How to select a Petrol Station location that Maximizes Profitability: Site Potentiality Assessment of Petrol Stations

Petrol stations are very vulnerable to closure resulting from petrol price competitions, regulatory pressures, and non-strategic locations. Site potentiality is an important factor that influences business success for a petrol station that relies on customer visits.

The right location of petrol station is important for the good performance of a petrol station and its profitability.,

               Identify suitable sites for petrol stations based on traffic counts volume

The location should be considered as a relevant growth determinant. It affects many aspects of petrol station operations and it can affect and can significantly affect the economy of the local community.

You should assess site potentiality before building petrol station. This would help you avoid risks and choose locations that maximize profitability. 

Business profitability of petrol station is influenced by several factors such as property maintenance, size of the site, neighborhood business potential, grade of street and topography, visibility, compatibility of traffic flow, transient business potential, ease of approach, and special features of the location.

Quality of site location is usually associated with the volume and type of traffic flow passing the site, proximity to a major travel route, visibility from the road time taken by drivers to slow down to enter the petrol station, general ability to attract customers, site proximity to the surrounding residential neighborhood, and so forth

These factors in a site location can make a difference between excellence, mediocrity, or failure in use for service station purpose 

Raw traffic counts must be evaluated by experts to determine how much effective demand it will actually produce as well as determine infrastructure requirements.


I hope this helps.

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.