Enter into Upstream Oil and Gas Industry’s Awards
Enter into Upstream Oil and Gas Industry’s Awards
By Hussein Boffu
The regional business community in the upstream oil and gas value chain, and the respective governments have given their full support to the Upstream Awards, an event aimed at celebrating achievement and excellence in the emerging industry in the region..
Do you know someone who has or a company that has made notable and positive contribution to the upstream oil and gas industry in East Africa? Nominate them now!
According to organizers, upstream oil and gas awards is a ceremony to recognize and celebrate outstanding achievements from within the emerging upstream oil and gas industry in the East African region. Open to individuals and companies operating in the region, these Awards highlight exceptional achievement across all key areas within the upstream oil and gas value chain.
“We have gotten great support from the players in the industry and also the government. This is great given the importance of this initiative to the entire upstream oil and gas industry in East Africa. We are keen to promote positive actions that will lead t the industry contributing to the welfare of our people while avoiding mistakes witnessed in other parts of Africa.”, said Joe Watson Gakuo, Upstream Oil and Gas Limited’s chief executive officer.
The high profile awards dubbed as the ‘Oscars of Oil and Gas’ were launched in 2017, and are expected to attract an exceptional list of guests who will gather to support and celebrate excellence in the emerging upstream industry in the region.
In 2018, Upstream Awards have now expanded to deliver two day of valuable content through the East Africa Oil and Gas Summit, which shall be held for two days immediately proceeding the award gala dinner.
“We are excited about these awards and we look forward to honouring those who have made positive contribution to the sector. We encourage people and companies to be part of this great initiative. It is going to be a great day” Mr. Gakuo added.
Upstream Awards is a great platform that builds on our culture to recognize and celebrate the incredible talent of our people. This will be done through an open and transparent judging process. The judging panel will consist of a team drawn from across the industry and their decision shall be final.
This event also gives the upstream oil and gas industry an opportunity to share and learn from one another, while honouring and recognising the important people who play their part in continually improving the industry.
“I wish every participant all the best,” said Mr. Gakuo in his closing comments.