The Greatest Effort Of Statoil To Serve Tanzanian Youth


In the context of massive natural gas (and hopefully oil) following the findings of immense commercial quantities in various parts of Tanzania including Mtwara, Lindi Mkuranga and cost regions

The best part of us expect the proportion of Tanzanian youth in the natural gas sector to increase Substantially.However, This is likely to happen downstream in the context of Local content through youth participations in the entire oil and gas value chain.

For this to happen, however, Tanzanian youth and those in and near oil and gas are found (Mtwara, Lindi and Coast regions). Need various entrepreneurial interventions. Guess what? These include training, coaching and access to finance

Statoil has been taking part to serve Tanzanian youth
I t should be noted that the future of oil and gas sector depend on Today’s youth.And most youth should be trained and coached to stimulate entrepreneurship skills in oil and gas

For this reasons Statoil in early September 2014 had introduced the hero of tomorrow (HOT) business competition which invited youth aged 18-25 years live in Mtwara and Lindi to share business ideas which aim in stimulating entrepreneurship skill among youth and encourage them utilizing opportunities emerging from oil and gas activities in the regions

Read :2 Tanzanian Boom Town For Oil and Gas Investment

The second phase of competition winner will be awarded 5000USD which is approximately up to 10 Million Tanzanian shillings

Heroes of Tommorrow 2015 invites youth from ages 18 to 25 from Lind and Mtwara which stand the chance to be turned into business plan.

The best 40 participants will be selected to attend training and coaching workshop on how to transform their ideas into a business plan.

The submitted business plan will be submitted to obtain 10 finalists.These will defend their business plan in front of a jury.And jury will choose top 5 candidates before announcing the winner at final event in Aprill Dar es salaam

The best Part

And We all know in the last decades Mtwara and Lindi region were no-go zones because of poor infrastructure and lack of power most youth residing in the region these regions have been rushing into Dar es salaam to look for opportunities.

But As Statoil developing entrepreneurship skills in these areas will attract more Tanzanian youths to go back to Mtwara and Lindi where there are more natural resources that can be turned into wealth

Owing the fact that oil and gas sector employ small share of workers. This Statoil’s intervention would make youth believing their own destiny instead of hoping someone will hire them.

I am thrilled to Congratulate Statoil’s Tanzania for Taking steps to serves us as Tanzanian youth at the time there would be no job for everybody in Tanzanian oil and gas sector
Hussein Boffu
Recent graduate in Petroleum Geosceinece
Email adress
Mobile :0655 37 65 43

Tanzania Petroleum is the 'Better Business' publication serving the energy and petroleum industry in Tanzania and across Sub-Saharan Africa. For advertising reservations, contact Hussein Boffu at or via WhatsApp/Call at +255 (0) 655 376 543.